PC Peripherals BluesIndia Heat Sink + Fan

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Came across this Ad for a Heat Sink - it seems to be based on the Zalman design - I have a Zalman 7000cu.

I wonder if it will be any good.
I really have my doubts if it will be able to match 7000cu or even 7000alcu. Leave alone 7700.
Those zalmans are massive(7700) and really good HSF. This looks like poor attempt to make a clone. But we will have to see how it performs. Atleast someone in India planning to enter into this market.
funkymonkey said:
This looks like poor attempt to make a clone. But we will have to see how it performs. Atleast someone in India planning to enter into this market.
That is my exact feeling too
Heh forget the zalmans, i wonder if it'd be better than the stock prescott heatsink :P. What kind of a msg is "We're not responsible for overclocking damage" on an HSF ad :S. Is it that they themselves don't believe in their product?
maybe its meant for silent cooling with those excellent fans they have adopted instead of better cooling ..

the ad sounds like a rip off from the zalman site as well

still if enought ppl buy these things who knows they may develop a better product in the future.. hope it just doesnt turn out into an indian version of thermaltake
presshot is a useless processor.too much gas(oops i meant heat)and too little to show for it in terms of performance.
the athlon-xps did run hot but they had great performance against the p4s till the northwood 'c' core rev. came out.
tom's recently showed that u have to use artic silver if u ever take off a prescott heatsink and reinstall it.otherwise the damn thing starts to throttle.
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