BLUR v/s Split/Second Velocity . . . WHICH ONE?

@shaplus - In Split Second players earn their destructive powers but Blur , its all about luck and fate . Moreover Blur is only appealing to fans of NFS Underground and NFS Underground 2 . For me Split Second is 100 times harder than Blur , and frankly speaking after finishing SPlit Second all in gold mode , Blur is just ruining my fun
Split/Second, intense n insane fun, once i started couldnt stop till completion... blur aint bad but id say the kind id get bored with sooner rather the one i already am bored with, graphically pretty darn good tho..
@Anubis.........I dont think Blur is all about luck and fate,we have freedom to collect right power-ups combination for winning also each second & power-up can make big chances from win to lost...............And Split Second best thing is Destruction,which makes u play but cars and their handling is worse............

Also i think PC controls making it less fun so try playing with controller you will feel Blur more fun than Split......
shaplus said:
@Anubis.........I dont think Blur is all about luck and fate,we have freedom to collect right power-ups combination for winning also each second & power-up can make big chances from win to lost...............And Split Second best thing is Destruction,which makes u play but cars and their handling is worse............

Also i think PC controls making it less fun so try playing with controller you will feel Blur more fun than Split......

@shaplus - collect right power-ups combination for winning is not luck ???????????

@shaplus - Blur is purely about luck because drifting in BLUR gives you nothing but fan points . Moreover there is nothing called drafting in BLUR . Next Blur has the worst controls any PC game has ever seen in its kind . You cannot even customise the controls in BLur .

Blur give importance to Luck 100% but gameplay 0% . I think you still haven't left the world of MArio KArt racing yet . I don't blame you too , where players chose powerups in the game
Blur isn't the addictive, competitive online game that people wanted it to be. Rather, Blur is a pallete-cleansing game, the type of experience you pop in for a few minutes with your friends when you're looking for a break between sessions of a game you really like marathoning. If you love a more hardcore racing experience, and the idea of truly chaotic combat sounds appealing, than Blur might be for you. If you're looking for a fun, pick-up-and-play combat racer, then I think you need to go back to Mario Kart or, better yet, pick up the excellent Split/Second.

IGN's closing comments. (Blur Review - Xbox 360 Review at IGN)

I havent played any, but I looked at a higher gamespot score, plus from the makers of Project Gotham racing, and thought it might be the better of two. but I guess I was wrong, and looking at the review, it seems Blur is much tougher to get a hang of...
collecting right power-ups combination is not luck but it is strategy to win the game:).....lack of drafting is really a drawback and abt PC controls no idea cause im using 360 controller and i recommended you to use joystick......Also as you recommended,again started playing Split Second and im loving it now more :eek:hyeah:
^strategy my foot . This strategy doesn't work always sometimes because some other car has pushed you around or you have lost control . BUt frankly tell me , what is the use of drifting in BLUR ? I mean only for fan points ?
So drifting is just for getting cars into ur garage ? Is it worth it ? Be honest to yourself . After all the drifting you would definitely want a reward for it specially if you are a good drifter . Who has said drifting mechanism in BLUR is better than SPlit Second . BLUR is basically sugar coated NFS Underground / NFS Underground 2 with some sprinkles (weapons ) added

The BLUR drifting mechanism is as old as NFS Underground / NFS Underground 2 where even tilting the car would result in a drift. I mean WTF