Body hair removal and cosmetics

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Eh, this may be a sensible topic, but I'm seriously trying to find out the how and why of this. I see this becoming more and more common every day. I used to think that only celebrities used to remove thier body hair (arms, legs, underarms, and some other areas..ehh) but nowadays the girls in my colony are starting to do it too. I am wondering why they are doing this...not liking what nature has given them? Some men also do it, which is damn strange. There are many disadvantages to such a thing:

1) It takes several hours to completely remove your body hair, and it will keep coming back again and again and again, resulting in a continuous cycle.

2) Doing this makes your skin more exposed to sunlight, hence resulting in a higher chance of tanning.

3) There have been some relatively rare cases of some diseases being assosciated with this.

So I am wondering, when people can do so many productive things in the hours they spend to remove body hair, why do they choose to avoid enjoying life and care only about so-called beauty? Cosmetics do not make anyone look better frankly. The lipstick and mascara only makes women look more ugly IMO. Face creams may work and thats OK, but I don't really understand this strange perception of beauty.

Now, many women do such things in order to woo men, so if this is a feminist age where females are not supposed to bow down to men, why the hell are they using cosmetics and body hair removal methods to make themselves more attractive to the males? The way it is, it surely looks like women are still submitting to what they think men will like...

Don't get me wrong, there are some good uses for the body hair removal too. For swimmers and wrestlers, it makes their body more streamlined so they can smoothen their movements. But it is unnecessary for other purposes.

Is it only me who thinks that the world is going into a totalitarian madness state?

In case any moderator thinks this topic is too offensive to be worth discussing, please feel free to close/delete the thread, as I do not mean to offend or hurt anyone.
yes i think you are right. True Beauty is in simplicity. but during summers u know.. hairs are more irritating so i think the girls in ur colony must have removed it so that they dont get smelly underarms :lol: . why dont your colony girls get permanent bald? its IN thing in fashion now :P
yep. thats what i said. i dont think this is an offensive thread. but may shock some gals for their own good. very nice thread i must say.

Removing Hair makes em streamlined hehehe .... never considered this option before......

No wonder torpedoes dont have any hair :P

Yaar apna apna choice hai...

hehe i know its funny topic but u tell me,

how serious/how closely/how NICELY/ did you see this gurls while making this startling observation....

Please make a cafefully studies analysis of the same, since it will help us to improvise on your observation and MAY BE... MAY BE change the preception of these people
nVidiaBeast said:
but during summers u know.. hairs are more irritating so i think the girls in ur colony must have removed it so that they dont get smelly underarms

Nah....I've been observing girls for many months now, the first time I noticed it was in February, when the heat wasn't so seriously bad yet.

As more smelly underarms, hair causing smelly underarms is a MYTH. By that logic, every day our heads should also smell like poop shit. The reason of this perception is that with body hair around, the smell has a lower surface area to diffuse into the atmosphere, and hence more of it remains around the armpit. You see, this is good in large, open places with short number of people, but I also theorise that due to increased diffusion with the air, all the people as well as the AIR will STINK in places where there are large number of crowds, all consisted of people with shaved armpits.

So yes, if people are shaving armpits, beware of the survival capability in the air when there are lots of them in any given area. So, this is actually a bad thing, not a good thing.

Besides, girls armpits (at least in my area) smell pretty bad even when shaved. Now I don't want people to think I'm a pervert, but I once got a whiff of the bad smell whenever a girl walks by my side. YUCK....and she was having shaved armpits as well.

hmasalia said:
how serious/how closely/how NICELY/ did you see this gurls while making this startling observation....

First, I'll make it clear that I don't talk to a lot of girls. I do, however, eavesdrop on several of their conversations (by myself and also by using agents), and once heard a funny discussion about electric shavers. Some of these girls I have seen for years. Years ago, they didn't care about shaving their hair. Now they're in 9th and 10th grade, they are getting serious about it. Sometimes if the word of hair removal slips out of my mouth they get quite miffed and keep staring at me even if I wasn't talking to them at all.

I've also "interrogated" some females from the range of 15 to 40 years old to find out how and why they do it. The most common answer was "Because its strange for a girl to have hair on her arms and legs". On asking why, the answer was "I don't know, because it looks good". The most common method used is a razor.

I received so many unsure answers on the subject from women about this (and several were not willing to discuss it at all), that I think the women do it just because the men like celebrities that appear on TV and they think "If the celebrities do it, I should do it too to look beautiful". And with this mentality, they think men will like them better. It is true to an extent in the USA, as men there usually prefer shaved women, but the practice is catching on in the rest of the world as well, but in the rest of the world the men do not give a damn about whether the woman is clean-shaved or not!

So, IMHO this hair removal thing is a useless practice mainly caused by social stigmas of what is masculine and what is feminine. Apparently, people consider hair to be masculine. Society is such a dog...

Of course, trying to find out the how and why of such things has its penalties. And since I ask so many strange questions (not only on this topic), girls are usually flummoxed by my questions and hence there is almost never a good friendly discussion between me and any woman (even when I behave politely). So yeh, I lack female friends, but hey, I can live with it, because I've lived so much stupid shit my entire life, especially in what difference does this make? :D
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