Bon Echo alpha 3 released yesterday


Hi all,
Bon Echo alpha3 was released yesterday. Catch all the details at developer news weblog. Details include new features such as adds new anti-phishing features and includes support for client-side session and persistent storage as specified by the WHATWG. Furthermore, when using Google or Yahoo! in the Search bar, users are presented with their previous searches in addition to search suggestions.

will try it out for a few days

b4 switching back to Opera again.

the changes i've noticed -

1) a built in spell checker/dictionary

2) improved search field

3) addons include both extensions and themes at one place

so far so crashes :D
it would but would be lot of work. Go to Help> Check for updates & then go on updating something like 30 times to come to the latest binary or better yet would be to download the binary which was released yesterday. Of course have an extension like Mr. Tech Local Install if u want your current extension list to work with the newer binary. MTLI would be a different topic altogether.

On another note Quickfire, the in-line spell-checking is inspired from the spellbound extension which was developed around a yr., yr, & 1/2 back. The addons idea is also something taken from MTLI as many people had been asking for the same. In the 3.0 series the addons metamorphize into something known as Places which would do the same thing. The idea behind the addons &/or Places is to make extensions installing/tweaking a more saner less crash kind of experience. Lot of magic working behind the scene there. Don't know what u mean by improved search field, if u mean the size that was always possible through the about:config way but they've made it look asthetic.
err guys big problem!

how do i save my bookmarks?? it doesnt export :(

also the bookmark.html file in the profiles folder is that of the old install of firefox.. which i dont have installed currently.. and the bookmarks in bon echo are different.. and i need the bookmarks from bon echo!

where the hell does it store its bookmarks?? cause i cant seem to find a bookmark.html file for bon echo bookmarks :(

what do i do now?
Bon Echo stores the bookmarks in bookmarks in 2-3 places. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\<Windows login/user name>\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\<Profile name>\********.slt\ there u'll see atleast 3 bookmarks related files & folders, the first one is bookmarks.html there is another one called as bookmarks.bak as well as a folder called bookmarks backup. Starting Bon Echo they are trying to have a system in place called Places (which later has been relegated to Minefield) where bookmarks & addons are in one place. There is possibility of also a bookmarks.sqlite file being there as they are thinking of moving towards a lightweight database system for storing bookmarks which would make it much more saner/better than before. So if u have a 28th May before build then you might encounter bookmarks.sqlite or bookmarks.history.sqlite while the latest builds do not.

So first find out which build u have? This can be done by going to Help> About Bon Echo which will list the build nos. If u have been constantly upgrading the builds & u'r bookmarks have disappeared then perhaps this link is the solution. Lemme know if things work out or not :)
i can see that sqlite file. bookmarks_history.sqlite hmmm .. i dont have bon echo installed anymore.. reverted to firefox 1.5!

so what i do with the sqlite file now?

hmm so now that i dont have bon echo installed... and i want the bookmarks from that sqlite file into my FF how do i do it?

ps - i had copied all the bookmarks in a notepad though... so that they are safe even if i dont have bon echo installed!
O.k. download this build & go to Bookmarks > Organise Bookmarks. At this time another window named Places would open. Make the selections, either all or some specifically. Then in the same window Go to File export & save the file bookmarks.html to some other place. If u either have the bookmarks.html or bookmarks backup folder than u can have a successful recovery happened. Then use the bookmarks.html from Bon Echo & copy it to wherever the 1.5 profile is. Be aware that this will over-write the existing bookmarks.html file which already exists there.

Side Note :- The history.sqlite which u have is a record of wherever u were on the net.

For future scenarios perhaps u can take a look at Mozbackup for doing all kinds of backup not just for browser but also for e-mail & the seamonkey suite.

The bookmarks.html webpage is a page generated by FF which contains all the bookmarks divided by folders having all the bookmarks as hotlinks alongwith the way the bookmark/hot-link had been saved.

Another suggestion would be if u want to try the alpha builds then having more than 1 profile works wonder. The profiles remain independant & even in the event of a profile failure u have some other profile to work with.
the build you told me to download is alpha 1? if so it doesnt export bookmarks! cause that`s the one i was using!

and if i cant export bookmarks then all my effort goes in vain! :(

i already use mozbackup to backup my bookmarks and certi's and keys... just that it doesnt work with bon echo!

and err what`s the sea monkey suite?

should i upgrade to apha 3 to be able to export bookmarks? cause alpha one surely doesnt!

PS - i kinda really liked bon echo ... but ya being alpha it had its own set of issues.. but it never crashed on me :)
Did u use mozbackup before migrating/upgrading to FF 2.0 bon echo or afterwards? Mozbackup 1.4.4 is compatible with FF 2.0 bon echo alpha series. Just for the heck of it made a backup without any issues. It actually is pretty efficient in knowing where the profiles are & how to back them up.

Secondly the bookmarks aren't stored in the build but in the profile that was created. If u were lucky enough to save using mozbackup while retrograding to the 1.5 series there would be a somename.pcv file. Just rename it to file & open it. You will see the bookmarks.html or bookmarksbackups folder.

It's always a good thing to update to the latest bleeding edge as the alpha series is always updating the feature-set. As always remember to do a backup of u'r existing things. It's helpful if u include the build no. or alpha or something to signify which build the snapshot (backup) points to.

AFA the Seamonkey Suite is concerned, it's an update to the Mozilla Application Suite which covers a browser, an e-mail an all-in-one suite. The look & feel reminds one of Netscape.
No wonder!! i have an older version of mozback and it would refuse to backup bon echo profiles saying it aint valid!!!

well the deal is this.. firefox 1.5 seems have taken all the keys and certi`s and also the extensions which i was using with bon echo. so i havent had any issues with making my browser remember passwords all over again!

only bookmarks have been a problem..

i shall install bon echo again i guess and then take a backup of it :)..

welcome, just remember to report back if u succeed in the experiment or not. Also it is a good practise to have another profile as well as have another folder where u have the alpha builds. For e.g. :-

1. FF 1.5 can be stored at c:\Program Files\FF1.5 while

2. Bon Echo 2.0 series can be stored at C:\Program Files\Bon Echo at another place. This way there would not be any confusion what happened where.
errr .. the thing is now that i had copied all the bookmarks i had in a notepad.. and i have successfully copied em in FF1.5 .. all 150 of em! lol....

but anyways will try out what you suggest..

thanks !
It still hasnt cleared out the profile clearing issue tho', posted it at the moz dev center, and they said they're working on it, i must say its one thing that keeps me a lil skeptical from saving my bookmarks here..

but an avid FF follower and fan none the less ;)


haha.. not really..

the profile cache gets cleared all by itself, the bookmarks, preferences, etc etc..

this issue was present in 1.5 itself.. stranglely only a few suffered from it tho'.. the Moz Dev Team reported that it'll be cleared in the FF 2