Car & Bike Boom Shiva - V

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Having dropped the idea for a Car upgrade, decided to give the cheap way and give myself a sasta audio upgrade to keep myself content for some time :ohyeah:

In addition, there was a lot of weird fluttering coming from the rears, so spent a good part of Saturday at GP Road getting my speakers changed

Fronts: Boston S60 components

Rears: JBL GTO938

Thanks to Gmano, Rahul and Bottle for their excellent advice :)

Will post pics of the old speakers in the evening. It's hard to believe they made any sound at all given the state they were in

Update: Bought a JBL 4 channel amp - GT5-A604

Spent half of Sunday with Rahul and another friend doing a self install in the boot

The whole setup sounds pretty neat now :)
I also have the cheap Boston S60

If that was meant to be sarcastic, I am ok with it :P

The Boston S60s aren't exactly high end anyway (albeit not really cheap either)

I am not a big fan of high end audio in cars because the inherently noisy environment of a car negates the whole idea of having a super clean and uncolored audio setup

The same money will yield you far better results on a home audio setup

Coming back to the rating bit, they seem to be doing their job pretty well , esp. on the mid-end front although the highs are a bit harsh.

apparently, the tweeters can be attenuated via a jumper setting on the crossover which is what I will try to do
was this on the corsa?

and what about the HU :P

PS: shouldnt this be an episode of the Boom Shiva series :ashamed:
^I've heard a lot abt this Boom Shiva Redux and the further episodes. Why this name anyway? :S :P

IIRC scz's avatar was once, something based on the same.

PS: congrats on the upgrade. :)
Shankar is a name for Shiva, one the 3 main dieties in the Indian pantheon. His dance is the rythm of the world, the beat of the heart, the cycle of day and night. He lives in the Himalayas, and lies in the mountains smoking cannabis and his hair flows down from the mountains as the holy river Ganges.

His worhippers include "sadhus" wandering mendicants whose worship includes smoking chillums of hash, so they became very popular with the wandering freak set India.

bom, or boom, or bem, or bam is a sound --- a sharp sound.

Boom Shiva: it is said by sadhus before they light the chillum to: sanctify it Shiva, let Shiva know the chillum is being smoked, let other sadhus et al know to come share a chillum

Loosely translted as: OH shiva... I`m smoking a chillum, hey you sadhus, come and share it with me"

Other varients: boom, bem, bom, bam, boom, boom shiva, boom mahadev (greatgod), bembaleh.

"Boom Shankar" meaning ---

was this on the corsa?

and what about the HU

PS: shouldnt this be an episode of the Boom Shiva series

yup..the audio on the swift is holding up well

the HU is some model from Pioneer.. wondering whether adding an amp may help

And yup, missed out on making it a part of the Boom Shiva Series

Unless a friendly mod intervenes to change it ---- Boom Shiva - V please :)
added an Amp today

A JBL GT5-A604

Me & Rahul and another friend spent the better part of today installing the damn thing ourself

I had my doubts on the benefits of adding a discrete amp (over the HU internal amp) and must say that my doubts were immediately allayed.... the difference a discrete Amp makes even to mid-tier car speakers like mine is quite big
BTW does anyone know how to go about bringing the soundstage a little upfront in a car setup?

I have a soundstage alright butit seems to be coming from the rear
1. set the fader towards the front (obvious :P) set the switch in the rear 6x9's to attenuate the treble ( if you havent already, and if its the treble thats dominating)

2. is the phase correct? I used to have this problem - turned out the tweeters alone were out of phase with the rear

3. play around with the tweeter placement. since in your case the location is fixed, try angling it a bit towards yourself

4" ers in front and 6x9's at the back is naturally unbalanced, and I'm not sure about the sensitivities of the speakers
I'll check the att. on the rears...

BTW it's 5.25" mids in the front

I was pretty careful about the phase so it shouldn't be a problem (+ there is a soundstage, it's just that it comes from behind me :P)

or maybe I should just give it up..the sound is good ATM and expecting home audio SQ from car audio is a futile execrise anyway
5" ? then it ought to be fine. I'm running a similar setup ( or rather, was)

just set the fader a few clicks to the front ( i used to run it at F3). Boston isnt exactly SQ. there are better options at that price point :P
I tried the JBLs, (CS508 or something) and these seemed better, although they are a little too bright

I need to check the if the crossovers are set correctly
cong superczar for buying awesome speaker i hate high sound might get shock at my heart :bleh: any u can setup with another friend :)

so which car are u using now is this new car or old one :|
At 65W RMS power handling, dont think the speakers love higher gains,reducing the gains might help in mellowing down the harshness of the front comps.
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