Boot Vista off USB flash drive?

^^ :bleh: I think you may be in error ... I think that he is not asking to install Vista from a Flash Drive... but to a flash drive.

I would say the answer is probably no if you were planning on using multiple systems to boot from the same Flash Drive you would likely run into huge driver compatibility issues... let alone a myriad of others.

This would likely be your best solution... but it can be a little complicated if you are a newbie with this sort of thing. :)

PiXeLpUsHeR said:
I think that he is not asking to install Vista from a Flash Drive... but to a flash drive.


Yes, that's what I mean. Thank you for your replies. And yes, I am a newbie to this sort of thing. But today, quite by chance, I found this tutorial: How To Create Live USB/CD/DVD OF Vista/XP | Into Windows. You feel this could run into the same kind of problems you mentioned? I'll try this sometime over this weekend. :)
Yes it should work fine... in fact one of the methods they link to uses BartPe that I linked you to above. It seems the author feels that BartPe is an older method and uses a more updated software called winbuilder. I am not familiar with it specifically but the concept sounds similar to BartPe but maybe a little more efficient and easier.

So give it a shot... and let me know how it turns out as I may check into it myself too. ;)
installing to external HDD will be easier if the external media can be split into partitions like normal internal hdds.

i could install windows to seagate freeagent 500GB USB drive normal way.

That drive can be partitioned in normal primary-logical drive fashion.

dunno if that will work wid Flash drive.

once tried installing XP to flash drive bt gave up midway coz of very low speed i was getting while data was being written to the flash media...maybe my mobo chipset at fault partly.
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
Yes it should work fine... in fact one of the methods they link to uses BartPe that I linked you to above. It seems the author feels that BartPe is an older method and uses a more updated software called winbuilder. I am not familiar with it specifically but the concept sounds similar to BartPe but maybe a little more efficient and easier.

So give it a shot... and let me know how it turns out as I may check into it myself too. ;)

Unfortunately, Winbuilder doesn't work on Vista x64, only on 32-bit. I could not get past the first screen. Vista is not mentioned anywhere on the BartPE website either. Does BartPE work with Vista?
Sorry I am not too sure as it has been a little while since I used it and I am pretty sure I did it with XP. Since you are trying to make a bootable cd... why not try XP 1st and see how it works for you.
^^ ok ... so no offense intended... but this isn't a particularly long thread so there really isn't too much to read!! If you had actually read the thread.. you would have noticed that someone else also misunderstood the same thing because they didn't read the thread either. ;)

Honestly... we all appreciate people's willingness to help.. so thank you for that but please read the thread :bleh: especially since this one is so short.. there really isn't an excuse :'(