My hp dv2210us notebook is giving a strange problem.
When i power on the laptop all the lights glow but nothing comes on the screen. Even the bios doesnt load up. After a few random tries it would somehow start, but now it doesnt start even after 10 times. I have tried reseating the ram, even hdd. If i remove the cmos battery for 5 min, it starts working again. Tried setting the default settings in bios but same problem.
When i power on the laptop all the lights glow but nothing comes on the screen. Even the bios doesnt load up. After a few random tries it would somehow start, but now it doesnt start even after 10 times. I have tried reseating the ram, even hdd. If i remove the cmos battery for 5 min, it starts working again. Tried setting the default settings in bios but same problem.