CPU/Mobo Booting Problems, Plz Help.


Hello all. My PC specs are as follows:

Intel e6600 stock speeds 8 months old
Intel DG965RY MB 8 months old
Transcend 1GB 667MHz 8 months old
XFX Geforce 6800 GT 2-3 years old
Powersafe Truepower 400W 2-3 years old
Creative SoundBlaster sound card 8 months old
Seagate 250 GB HDD IDE 8 months old
LG DVD-RW 8 months old

I had it running cleanly till about a month ago. All of a sudden, I have booting problems. As soon as I switch on the power button, the system turns on and after a few minutes, it switches off. Then it starts switching on and off, each time a little longer. After about 8-10 restarts, it works properly. I have kept it on for 20 hours continously without any problems. Plus, As soon as i switch on the system, a weird noise is heard, as if from the CPU fan. But i have switched on the system for a few secs with the fan disconnected to check if it was. The sound is still there. This sound changes into a sparking kinda sound when the system is working properly. It sounds like its coming from around the PSU but i am not sure. Might be from the CPU. I have attached a screenshot of the Intel desktop utility. Are the voltages on the rails OK?


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PS: I had the system checked at the shop where i bought it and he said it was the motherboard causing problems and sent it for warranty. It came back with a ' NO Defects Found' label. And after the return, as soon as I switch on the UPS, the system starts by itself. Hope this isnt a tough one. :S
1) when ever the comp works fine(after 20th restart)...do a thorough check of any viruses....

2) remove all usb linked peripherals. n den try again.

3) try usin som other ramn try to boot ur comp...or use different slot.

4) if any of the ablove things work out then der is som thin wrong wit the power supply or mobo.(pray to god dat is not d case)...
Why dont you try your friends smps in your system, see if it boots properly and try using your smps in your friends pc, see if that boots properly. Post the results here.
I dont have any USB devices. I have scanned for viruses using Norton 360, AVG and nod32. No problems on that end. I will scan once again and check the RAM and SMPS and report back.
I got the PSU checked out. It is damaged. Thank you very much, guys. Can u suggest a good PSU for my PC keeping in mind a possible upgrade of GPU and RAM?
Aaa friend of mine repaired it. Its working properly for now. But i dont wanna take any chances. Thats why i am replacing it. He said it was a problem with the secondary about which i dont have a clue.