My head is a boom box!
Bose, the maker of arguably the best sound delivery systems in the world, has seemingly decided that after creating the iconic QuietComfort noise reduction headphones for "over the ear" and "on ear" use, it's time to move on "in ear" systems.
It's a bit unsettling to start with — but hardcore music lovers will appreciate the attention to detail. Will they like to pay Rs. 50,000 for a pair? There must be enough who do, for, Bose to lavish all this attention on the tiniest member of its catalogue.
The Hindu : Front Page : `My head is a boom box!'
Why do i feel that there is a certain tongue in cheek humour here :rofl:
It's almost as if the reporter knows the truth, and is subtly trying to convey it here.. after all he cant risk saying BOSE sucks out in the open :lol: