Brand New Godrej Eon fridge heats up

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Took the delivery of my new fridge yesterday, a Godrej Eon 250 lts Double door. But the side panels are heated up.If you walk past with your hands in the range of within a few inches from the fridge, you can feel the heat.
Is this normal? Or is this a bad investment?
This is normal in all frost free devices. There are very small heater coils within the panels.
That's perfectly normal. Those are the condenser coils located on the side of the fridge getting heated up. The refrigerant passing through the coils is getting heated up - not to worry about.
Yes I has asked the technician once and he old me that in most frost free fridges the coil is on side.
I recently bought a normal non frost free fridge and it has an exposed coil at the rear.
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