Breaking a Visual CAPTCHA

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A CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that:

* Most humans can pass, BUT
* Current computer programs can't pass

CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart". See the CAPTCHA site for more details. The concept of a CAPTCHA is motivated by real-world problems faced by internet companies such as Yahoo! and AltaVista. These companies offer free email accounts, intended for use by humans. However, they found that many online vendors were using "bots", computer programs that would sign up for thousands of email accounts, from which they could send out masses of junk email. By requiring the user to solve a CAPTCHA, in the case of Yahoo the word-based one called EZ-GIMPY shown above, the "bots" could be screened out.

The fundamental ideas behind our approach to solving Gimpy are the same as those we are using to solve generic object recognition problems. Our solution to the Gimpy CAPTCHA is just an application of a general framework that we have used to compare images of everyday objects and even find and track people in video sequences. The essences of these problems are similar. Finding the letters "T", "A", "M", "E" in an image and connecting them to read the word "TAME" is akin to finding hands, feet, elbows, and faces and connecting them up to find a human. Real images of people and objects contain large amounts of clutter. Learning to deal with the adversarial clutter present in Gimpy has helped us in understanding generic object recognition problems.
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Hey i always get errors when trying to decode any captchas using Pwntcha, not even the sample ones present on thier site can be decoded :@ .Maybe they've deleted/disabled the whole thing :(
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