Broadband Delhi

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I stay in Delhi(near Essex farms,near IIT). Which is the best brodaband connection available that will give quality serive 24X7.
It may give data usage per month as 500mb-1gb or higher with unlimited hours.
Also,the speed should preferably be 256kb-1mbps or higher(actually make it 512kbps as better or higher would be even better).
How is MTNL,599/month + rental @ 512kbps , 500mb + 1.10/mb for further usage?
Is Airtel better?
What would be the cost of a leased line?
Thanks in advance
Get Airtel 128K line for ~1000 rupess per month, unlimited transfer, and initial payment is 1500,
Running as fast as i can as far as i can............
tell atleast 512kbps
also unlimited transfer,what for?

tell for unlimited hours but transfer(upload + donwload) for 500mb or higher
Ban techboy.
Techboy why do you have to put your questions in such an annoying way?
Good luck finding 512k in Delhi unless u live next to exatt office in South ex.!
get MTNL 512k line that u mentioned here, its good, oh yea its great, super fast and super reliable, just go ahead with it...
Dude Techboy you need a reality check, there aint no such thing like 512 kbps unlimited usage at 1000 p/m, that'd be still like a decade away.
You've got 2 options - Shift outside India and make your dreams come true or
settle for Airtel's unlimited 128 kbps for a 1000. Its the best deal for unlimited thing currently.
If ur budget is 1000 then get exattnet 256 kbsp (950 Rs)
Its more economical than airtel and till now I dont have any complains.
im in west delhi so I dont kn how the service is in south delhi btw.
You can get 512Kbps conx with 1000MBs of monthly data transfer from Tata Indicom Broadband at Rs.825 monthly.
Exatt are charging bloody Rs.1100(1000+ tax) here(Gzb.) for 128k untd.Bloody suckers!In South Ex. they give 512k untd. for 1500 all incl,talk about discrimination!
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