Broadcast India Exhibition - Oct 20-22@NSE, Goregaon

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wizened Dinosaur
Hi to all my TE fans,


I dunno if you guys are aware of an annual event for professionals in the Film & Video Broadcasting Industry - Started in 1991 & today "The Broadcast India 2011 Exhibition" will be held from October 20 - 22, 2011 at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon (E), Mumbai, India. Timing from 10 to 6 only. No entry fee.

This prestigious forum will showcase all aspects of the infotainment industry – from Television, Film, Audio, Radio, IPTV and Mobile TV to Computer Graphics, Visual Effects, Multimedia, Music, Lights, Cable, Satellite, Broadband, Internet, Transmission or more.

The two-day conference this year, in its new, completely transformed avatar, will also be held at the same venue on October 20 - 21, 2011.

see Broadcast India 2011

Check out the list of exhibitors and be overawed.

The "who's who of the BEST from around the world will be there". You can watch state of the art workstations; Nvidia & ATI at their professional best; apart from the best professional equipment used in the Film/Video/High Def/Broadcast Industry. I have been attending this event on & off from 1994 :)

There's lot's to learn and never a dull moment.

vivek.krishnan said:
Nice 1, must have a look there once.

Looking forward to seeing you Vivek. Incidently my workplace "Crest Animation Studios" is at Ghatkopar-West, off LBS @ Raheja Plaza and you can drop in any time -since you reside in the neighbourhood :)

Trust me, I do not mind repeating ad-nauseum - the HARDWARE that you guys would witness at this exhibition would BLOW UR BRAINZ

So pile on and welcome to the show.... I cannot assure "Gamer's" what to expect as out here [except see the NVIDIA Quadro FX 5800 and a lot more], plus you would see WORKSTATIONS & Servers with 12-192 GB RAM and on all platforms - Windows/Mac & Linux.
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