Yesterday from afternoon onwards, my net stopped working all of a sudden.
What was happening was i could not browse any site. I tried with two different modems and the same thing was happening.
Pinging to bsnl dns gave 75% loss. so i tried using open dns. even that was around 75% loss. so it means open dns does not work properly for bsnl users?
today the net started working now all of a sudden. what could have been the problem? :huh:
want to know so next time something like this happens i can rectify it.
What was happening was i could not browse any site. I tried with two different modems and the same thing was happening.
Pinging to bsnl dns gave 75% loss. so i tried using open dns. even that was around 75% loss. so it means open dns does not work properly for bsnl users?
today the net started working now all of a sudden. what could have been the problem? :huh:
want to know so next time something like this happens i can rectify it.