Budget 90k+ Budget 150K - 200K High End Rig


Our major process that takes more time to process is "Animation Rendering" and "Machinery Simulations". So the rig must fulfill our needs specified in the intended use section.

What is your budget?

What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)

Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)

Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
One thing i got an idea is i7 processor extreme edition and for the other components you guys recommend me. I need more RAM too (upto 32GB).

Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
Yes this is configuration is my final and I don't want to upgrade for at least 3 years. So recommend me with High End Graphics cards and CPU coolers.

Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
Chennai (of course if the price is less than chennai, tell me the other locations)

Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market?

What is your intended use for this PC/hardware?
3D Modeling
Graphics Design
CAD Design
Machinery Simulation (Most Important)
Watching HD movies
Video / Audio Editing
Animation Rendering (Most Important)
[We gonna install lots of Multimedia and CAD packages.]

Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
I don't want to buy any brands and server type editions. I wanna build up my own.

If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
all type of high end games.

What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
Gaming 1440 x 1080
Desktop - 1920 x 1080
Are you looking to overclock?

Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 64 / 32 bit
windows 8 64 / 32 bit
Hmmm .... interesting

Proc : i7-3930k ~ 39199 [ price-performance this is better than the extreme edition i7-3970x ~ 69175 ]
Motherboard : Asus Sabertooth X79 ~ 23075 or P9X79 Deluxe ~ 24600
GPU - Asus Titan 6GB ~ 75380 [ or Leadtek Quadro K4000 ~ 59480 ]
RAM - G.Skill Ripjaws X (4 x 8GB) 32GB ~ 19320
CPU Cooler :
Water - Corsair H100i ~ 8475 or
Air - Deepcool Assassin ~ 5728
PSU - Seasonic X850 fully modular ~ 10975 [ or Seasonic SS1000XP Platinum ~ 15100 ]
Cabinet - your choice from here
SSD - 256GB Samsung 840 pro ~ 14699
Main Storage WD Red 3TB ~ 9600
Primary Render Drive - WD Caviar Black 2TB ~ 13000 or WD Velociraptor 1TB 10000rpm drive ~ 16250
Monitor is left out


Note: Prices of most components are sourced from theitdepot - chennai, however for your kind of budget do not hesitate to get things from elsewhere (online - mumbai etc); especially if chennai does not have stocks.
For online buying - ALWAYS CONFIRM if stocks exist before making the payment.[DOUBLEPOST=1370501533][/DOUBLEPOST]CABINET Choices
Corsair Obsidian Series 800D ~ 20350
CM HAF X - Nvidia or Black Ed ~ 14330 or 13025
CM Storm Trooper or Stryker ~ 12110 or 11435
Corsair Graphite Series Sp Ed White 600T - 10335
Note: All the above are great quality cabinets. Air-flow and cooling features vary [built-in vs max fans than can be fitted]. Water cooling CPU will reduce space for 1/2 fans.[DOUBLEPOST=1370504745][/DOUBLEPOST]You can also use this PC high-end configurator of theitdepot [note: limited list of add options]
At this price range I will start to look at dual processor options if the csd package is optimized for multi cores . Or make a small render farm for rendering animations
Can you specify exactly what CAD packages are you talking about? and for what purpose?

That will help us suggest you with optimized answers. Although most CAD packages support multicore while rendering, most SOLVERS dont,
Is this a real request from a real user, or a troll attempt?

Are you really doing CAD and simulation work at 1920x resolution?
@makeiteasy ... You have time until Monday morning 07:00 hours to explain your "absense".

We have monitored your post's on on other threads - more of a 'nuisance' than contributing anything sensible.

And yet, I am willing to give you the 'benefit of doubt'.

I have expended 'valuable' time & efforts in providing you solutions to your 'venture' .....you can reject them altogether (it's your prerogative).

However 'silence' is NOT an acceptable response (unless it was due to circumstances beyond your control).

Awaiting your response.
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This is indeed SAD.

OP needs to be thrown out from TE..... Even then, the likes of him can re-surface with a 'new-ID', however whatever avatar they chose - they cannot camouflage their "soul".... we will still recognise them wherever they prowl.

I will think 10 times in future - before responding to such diabolical & sadistic requests.

What really hurts is the time that I expended, which I could have utilised for a hundred other better purposes.
This is indeed SAD.

OP needs to be thrown out from TE..... Even then, the likes of him can re-surface with a 'new-ID', however whatever avatar they chose - they cannot camouflage their "soul".... we will still recognise them wherever they prowl.

I will think 10 times in future - before responding to such diabolical & sadistic requests.

What really hurts is the time that I expended, which I could have utilised for a hundred other better purposes.

Oh I See, sorry to all Fellow TE Experts Spending their valuable time and knowledge to make suggestions to me. Of course I am not logged in for past few days sorry for that, I was little bit busy. I was gone through your suggestions and I post my reply regards to that very soon.

@cranky I've no idea of how to build a rig to that budget that's why I asked for advise. because my major problem is all around "Rendering" this gonna take long times and it really frustrating me. It is not just a CAD work at all. It involves more than that.

And the packages we used to is : All Auto desk Creative and CAD Suites with Inventor and simulator. I think i've cleared your doubt[DOUBLEPOST=1370941709][/DOUBLEPOST]
Looks like OP intentions was just to get idea of components which works together in high budget (so that he will suggest others) which he tried and failed in some other thread.
I just want to clear you my intentions are not in that way, read the post fully before you answer. I asked for a suggestion to a budget of 200k, and you all know that this components which terence referred me will not suite for other budgets.[DOUBLEPOST=1370942112][/DOUBLEPOST]@terence_fdes Sorry fdes am not sitting all day in front of TE website so please accept my apologies. A Little more analysis required to config so I ask sorry to Terence for my delay.
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All right then, we'll give you the benefit of doubt.

You have to identify which applications you will be using. I am assuming the license fee for the applications is not part of the system cost - and my understanding of software licensing in the categories you mention leads me to believe that this machine is costing about the same as a set of 4 professional licenses.

The way to approach this project is balance, and the balance IMO should trade off gaming ability for computing throughput.

You need to start with a good amount of desktop real estate. The minimum I would use is two or even three 24" 1920x monitors. Since the goal is pixel area and not colour accuracy, a cheap monitor will work as well as the expensive ones. What pro users normally do to drive this is have one Pro card pushing two displays and used to aid compute, and a second, much smaller card to serve as a dumb display terminal. nVidia Quadro4000 is a decent entry point, and between two monitors and this card plus a GT210 (if using a third monitor) or similar you should be at about 80k, i.e. just under half your budget. Link for the card is already provided by terence.

On the choice of platform, it depends on the applications to a large extent. Most of the time the kind of applications you will use will be very dependent on FP performance rather than INT, so strange as it seems the AMD side of the pond is a very good choice. If you don't hobble the CPU down to single-thread performance just for benchmarking's sake, the AMDs do really well in multithreaded FP applications:


You could probably squeeze in a 3930k and a X79 board into the balance, but frankly if you manage to even out your compute load properly the Vishera will work just as well for your needs, and the 990FX is capable enough. Ideally what you need is a Xeon or two but that platform alone is more than your total budget.

Rest components you have decent suggestions already, I have nothing to add.
From the very beginning I am not into the idea about amd processors. If it is come to multimedia and cad functionality lot of my friends suggest me to go with amd but still I am not in the mind set to go with an amd (A known devil is better than an unknown angel isn't it?) bcoz I am going to invest around 200k only for hardware. So I am afraid of anything go wrong. Also your assumbtion is right I am not included the license cost into the rig for example a single user license of autodesk maya only cost above a lakh. So I am not going into the topic of licenses.

I would like to clear more about the packages I am going to use. I am already Using Adobe master Collection CS4 which I am planned to go for a CS6 package for graphics design purpose. Adobe master collection currently using: Photoshop CS4, Illustrator CS4, Flash CS4, Indesign CS4, Dreamweaver CS4, Live cycle Desiner CS4, Aftereffects CS4, Premiere Pro
plus a corel draw x3

For CAD works I am using AutoCAD 2010 and Inventor professional 2012. I am look forward to upgrade to a 2013 or 2014 editions and simulator, May be in future I will add a Revit, solid works or a Pro E.

For 3D Modeling, Animation and Rendering I am using 3ds Max and Maya 2010 editions and here is the problem arises. Looking for a powerful rendering machine to take output of these files ASAP.(so please clear me can I go for a Single 200K rig or a 70K rig x 3. If I go for 3 rigs I'll get 3 processors x 4 cores = 12 cores is that a good idea?)

For Composting & editing special effects and video's I am currently using Premiere Pro, Combustion and mocha pro. These are my major software's I am using and planned to use upgraded versions. I tried some of these applications(Maya and Inventor) in an i3 3210 processor with an asus P8H61-M Lx rev.3 mobo and 4GB of Corsair value select RAM. The designing works went fine but in a little bit slow manner, when it comes to rendering and simulation it is not at all capable to handle.

These are all 32Bit programs and for a speedy production I am looking forward to a 64bit OS and software's. Additionally I am going to install an office package, PDF reader, tally ERP 9, Sound Forge 10, browsers, torrent programs, OCR Software's, rar zip programs, Burning software's, Media Players, Cleaning and recovery software's that's all.

About Processor: Can I wait until haswell arrive? could haswell changes entire configuration?

Cabinet: Not reviewed yet provided in the suggestion. Decided to choose when go to shop.

About CPU Coolers: Shall I go for a water based cooler or air based cooler. Sometimes heard complaints about water based coolers and I don't know it's actual fact. can anyone clarify that?

For installing software's I planned to use SSD. All those OS and software's take more space counting in GB's so I go for the terence's choice 256GB Samsung 840 pro. All other components are looking fine except choosing a processor and board.

forget to add into the thread: I mentioned that don't want to buy any brands but any one have an idea about a MAC rig? I heard lot of suggestions in MAC too.

Thanks a Lot to all TE Members
Replies inline:

About Processor: Can I wait until haswell arrive? could haswell changes entire configuration?

Not enough of a worthwhile gain in terms of outright performance, but the architecture is more power-efficient. In any case you shouldn't be looking at a consumer-grade processor like the 4th Gen Core, rather wait for the i7 refresh - Intel hasn't provided too many details but it's probably going to be based on Ivy Bridge rather than Haswell (current gen is based on Sandy Bridge).

Where Haswell may make sense is if you run full CPU power for extended periods of time, which is not your case. It may save a bit of power in those situations, but that's about it.

And AMD is not an 'unknown'. It's been around since the early 90s, and making their own CPUs since 1993. That's twenty years, and they had a clear lead on value for that entire period, as well as the performance lead on CPUs for three Intel generations. Don't disrespect them, they are what helps keep Intel processors affordable. If Intel was the only CPU manufacturer you'd be buying P4 for $400 today. And yes, in your kind of application, it does make sense.

About CPU Coolers: Shall I go for a water based cooler or air based cooler. Sometimes heard complaints about water based coolers and I don't know it's actual fact. can anyone clarify that?

Both are fine if you aren't planning on overclocking - and in a professional production rig, you shouldn't. A crash can take out the project.

All other components are looking fine except choosing a processor and board.

The choices Terence has mentioned are fine. The 3930k is a fine processor for your needs.

forget to add into the thread: I mentioned that don't want to buy any brands but any one have an idea about a MAC rig? I heard lot of suggestions in MAC too.

There is no better computer for Photoshop than a Macintosh, because the integration of the software stack with hardware and applications is very tight. The new Mac Pro will be almost perfect for this kind of a setup.

Macintosh system is closed though, app portability and network sharing etc are little more complex - but since over 80% of production lines use Macintosh (at one time it was 100%), that's not a real concern.

At your budget or a little above (after looking at everything you will actually need to pay for including software) you could probably get a graphics workstation from SGI with the apps preloaded. IIRC at about 3.5L you can get a closed box that you will never need to worry about - those systems seem to have a lot less power from the specs, but the software works much quicker than the commercial applications from Adobe etc, and you don't really have to deal with the crapfest that Windows and Macintosh are. In the long run those things save a ton of time and money, though they may hurt at first. It depends on how deep your current job queue is, and your ability to get more work to pay for the systems.
At your budget or a little above (after looking at everything you will actually need to pay for including software) you could probably get a graphics workstation from SGI with the apps preloaded. IIRC at about 3.5L you can get a closed box that you will never need to worry about - those systems seem to have a lot less power from the specs, but the software works much quicker than the commercial applications from Adobe etc, and you don't really have to deal with the crapfest that Windows and Macintosh are. In the long run those things save a ton of time and money, though they may hurt at first.
+ 1

..... It depends on how deep your current job queue is, and your ability to get more work to pay for the systems.

You have listed an entire library :eek: of "softwares" whose licences cross 10 lacs .... but I'll leave that part :cool:

@makeiteasy......... and here is the problem arises. Looking for a powerful rendering machine to take output of these files ASAP.(so please clear me can I go for a Single 200K rig or a 70K rig x 3........... If I go for 3 rigs I'll get 3 processors x 4 cores = 12 cores is that a good idea?)

You need a minimum of 3 systems, because I cannot imagine using so many softwares "just" on one system. I presume your work is 'commercial' in which case you will have delivery-deadlines.

You will need one powerful system just for "rendering" 24 x 7. Your other systems can be regular ones (with decent specs)

EDIT: Forget about Haswell - there is nothing extraordinary in it for your type of work.
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Who installs torrent programs on a work machine? Is this for home use? It feels like thread starter wants to install every program on earth on one machine just for the sake of installing it like people at home do.