Bug got new eyes


After a long wait, the Sony A35 has finally arrived!!

(Yes I got a Sony!

I've been wanting to get a DSLR for a really long time, but never had the money and quite a few PC upgrades were higher up in the buying list. I collected some cash and was finally able to buy one now.

Here are some pics:

Damages: 29.5k
Got a great deal on ebay. The price is around 34k everywhere.

Special thanks to #FaH33m and #vivek.krishnan.

P.S. - If I have any trouble finding lenses, #Brendon is gonna bear the brunt!!
Thanks guys!

#vivek.krishnan - Hehe yes. This is will be yet another addition to the variety of cameras Mumbai peeps already have.
Thanks once again.

#YoGi-Sama - Yes definitely.
It's size does make it look like a toy though.

#Saiyan - Already have been looking around.
Need to collect more cash for the lenses though.
Congrats dude !
Hope to see you at the JJM and MWS photo walks from now .

I've been wanting to get a DSLR for a really long time...

BTW , you still don't have DSLR , but a DSLT

EDIT : Didn't get any notification for the username tag, wondering why
Congrats dude !
Hope to see you at the JJM and MWS photo walks from now .

BTW , you still don't have DSLR , but a DSLT

EDIT : Didn't get any notification for the username tag, wondering why

Yes I'll be joining in soon. Once your 'stuff' arrives, we can go together.

Lol I was wondering if someone would point out that DSLT thing.

Me neither. Guess it does not work with Show off, GT maybe?

I was actually expecting that would happen. I think it was because I hadn't put the tags in the original post, but had added it later when I edited it.