Storage Solutions Build a 135TB array for $7,384

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Is it possible to build protected storage for less than $55/TB? Yes, it is. Here’s how.

Storage Pod II

Almost 2 years ago in Build a RAID 6 array for $100/TB I showed the 1st storage pod. This version includes what the developer and unlimited backup provider Backblaze has learned from running over 16 petabytes of storage on over 9,000 drives.

The new pod cuts the TB cost in half while increasing performance - the pods can saturate a gigabit Ethernet - mostly due to the hard and under-appreciated work of drive manufacturers. The new pod uses Hitachi 3TB drives to boost density and reduce cost.


Backblaze doesn’t sell the pod, so you’ll have to build your own. Their blog post includes a detailed parts list. You’ll need software expertise as well: they use Debian 5, the ext4 file system and a logical volume manager above the RAID 6 storage but below the file system.

Source: Backblaze Blog » Petabytes on a Budget v2.0:Revealing More Secrets
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