Bullied Canadian teen leaves behind chilling YouTube video

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Theres more this story unfortunately. Apparently some people at 4chan, buried deep and found out this lady was upto her neck in trouble. She used to be a 'cam girl' and wasn't exactly clean. She did very foolish things on the internet and even in school. It was just a matter of time before her antics caught upto her and someone started blackmailing her. But rather than being strong, she dropped lower and lower into depression and started using drugs.

I won't say she got what she deserved. Instead I would like to know where her parents were and why weren't they able to control their child before this happened? This isn't a case of bullying. This girl should have been better informed, better loved and cared for by her family and obviously looked after.
She is not eligible for that award as there is an age limit. Secondly it is awarded posthumously only.

It's an inside joke, those who know get it.

This story is great for the media to run as it has all the "masala" in it. But she doesn't deserve the attention nor any regards, last thing we want to do is encourage others to follow her.
She must be awarded the Darwin's Award posthumously.

Theres more this story unfortunately. Apparently some people at 4chan, buried deep and found out this lady was upto her neck in trouble. She used to be a 'cam girl' and wasn't exactly clean. She did very foolish things on the internet and even in school. It was just a matter of time before her antics caught upto her and someone started blackmailing her. But rather than being strong, she dropped lower and lower into depression and started using drugs.

I won't say she got what she deserved. Instead I would like to know where her parents were and why weren't they able to control their child before this happened? This isn't a case of bullying. This girl should have been better informed, better loved and cared for by her family and obviously looked after.

It's an inside joke, those who know get it.

This story is great for the media to run as it has all the "masala" in it. But she doesn't deserve the attention nor any regards, last thing we want to do is encourage others to follow her.

Do you guys have so little empathy that you have to go blaming the victim? Are you defense counsel for the bullyers? Whatever she might have been or done, no one deserves to be traumatised in this fashion. You can analyse an event and discuss what underlying causes might have led to the event. Her parents might have been to blame to an extent but all of that has no relevance to the discussion about bullying has it?

An inside joke? I am not sure if you are aware, but a joke is meant to be funny.
^^ Regardless of what her reasons were, the desperate and foolish act that she did is not something you or anyone else should give sympathy for. Even if she suffered incessant bullying, how is cold blooded murder a solution for that? I can even understand if she had tried to fight (physically or legally), hurt or even kill her persecutors given her reasons, but she choose to kill somebody who has not persecuted her at all. To top it off she even broadcast the act for people to see. What did she intend to achieve by her actions? If she was trying to send a message, then sorry, I don't see one because it is lost the moment she ended her life. The only message people get is that she was too feeble minded to face up to her situation.

I have seen people face hardships a 1000 times more severe and cruel in their life and still face them head on despite physical and mental disabilities and even if they are all alone and come through it all with a smile on their face. If people like this girl have so little respect and value for their life that she would give it up so easily due to hardships and persecution, then sorry to say, cruel as it may sound, maybe she didn't even deserve her right to live in the first place because ultimately was there any meaning to her life?
There is no universal scale of pain and suffering which we can use to judge every individual by. No human being is in a position to say what another person "deserves" or not.

A person has to be in an incredibly difficult place to contemplate this decision and not everyone has equal mental strength. If someone is facing such a difficult time, we should try to help them instead of flapping our hands at the whole topic of suicide and treating it as a black or white matter. As long as we keep suicide illegal and stick our heads in the sand (like we do in India with most mental illnesses), things are not going to improve.

I also disagree with your sensationally calling suicide murder. Murder is defined as unlawful killing of another human. And by the way, she did not broadcast her act. The video is just a plea for help (which she did not receive enough of in a timely manner). Her actual suicide happened a month after the video.

Another thing I have always wondered is why suicide is called a selfish act but suggesting a fellow human being to suffer in agony just for the sake of family/friends is not classified as being selfish as well.
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and i guess the guys at anonymous have fished out the guy who was blackmailing her and out him,

school bullying is real , probably we did not take it so seriously in our school days or it was too mild over here, but i have heard instances where it gets pretty bad over there
In Indian schools bullying is quite mild and it only comes up in colleges where it takes the form of ragging which is just another form of bullying.... And we all know how many deaths it has caused in terms of suicides in India...

This thread just shows the anonymous side of internet which has zero empathy for other humans. Keyboard warriors thats what most are on the internet forum boards. Its just too easy to call someone weak and blame them while they sit in their comfy chairs behind a computer screen hidden behind their fancy profile pictures and alter ego handles...
If people can't comprehend other person's situation or pain they should refrain themselves from expressing themselves. Every human is not same in every aspect.
It increases my faith in indian culture and the way our parents bring us up. We may not be allowed to have our own private rooms. Our parents may not knock when they come inside our rooms but all this is for our own good. i sincerely feel that her parents should have taken better care and not the let the first event happen. That first even would have left a pretty bad impression on her mind.
Well, although she made mistakes at 13 or 14 I guess. She didn't deserved to get bullied like that. I felt very sad when she told that she tried to kill herself once by eating bleach and those insane keyboard warriors made joke of that too and started bullying her again with words like "Get a better bleach next time" :@

This is where, I feel Indian Culture is much better and holy than the western is.
Sorry, What Holy Indian culture are you guys talking about? Have you not heard of suicides of young people in Metros? This is what a recent study says -

The first national study of deaths in India, published in the British Medical journal The Lancet on Friday, says that suicide has become the second-leading cause of death among the young in India.

"Compared to most other countries, suicide rates are especially high in young adults and, in particular, young women for whom suicide rates in India are four to six times higher than in developed countries. The suicide rates vary 10-fold between states with the highest rates in the southern states of India,".

The study says the age standardized suicide death rate per 100,000 people at all ages was 18.6 for boys and men and 12.7 for girls and women.

People are still killing themselves in India as well. If not bcos of cyber bullying, mental bullying by the "Society". Read this linky - http://articles.timesofindia.indiat...uicide-deaths-strategy-for-suicide-prevention
I agree with bond_bhai. Its a well known fact that first world citizens are very direct to the point of being confrontational when facing an issue. But in our country, in addition to physical abuse, we resort to schemes and duplicitous tactics when faced with a problem; even a petty one. You think Canadian Amanda Todd had it rough? Guess again...even without stats/proof from reputable sources, i can confidently tell anyone that in India we have girls who face even worse forms of persecution than that of Ms.Todd's. Atleast Amanda managed to put up a video crying out for empathy. First world citizens fight back, to the point of bullying. But they are not afraid to do so in Public. Whereas in our case, it sends a shiver down my spine knowing what awaits a girl in a similar situation in our country. Some of you may think i am belittling Ms.Todd. This is not true. I am only trying to knock some sense into all those who carelessly paint a pretty picture of our Country.
There is no universal scale of pain and suffering which we can use to judge every individual by. No human being is in a position to say what another person "deserves" or not.

A person has to be in an incredibly difficult place to contemplate this decision and not everyone has equal mental strength. If someone is facing such a difficult time, we should try to help them instead of flapping our hands at the whole topic of suicide and treating it as a black or white matter. As long as we keep suicide illegal and stick our heads in the sand (like we do in India with most mental illnesses), things are not going to improve.

I also disagree with your sensationally calling suicide murder. Murder is defined as unlawful killing of another human. And by the way, she did not broadcast her act. The video is just a plea for help (which she did not receive enough of in a timely manner). Her actual suicide happened a month after the video.

Another thing I have always wondered is why suicide is called a selfish act but suggesting a fellow human being to suffer in agony just for the sake of family/friends is not classified as being selfish as well.

There is nothing sensational about calling suicide murder because suicide is also indeed a kind of murder. Here is another dictionary definition for you

Kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation.

There is no fine print anywhere that says that someone needs to be different than self. Also suicide is also usually not a spur of the moment decision, It is usually a cold and calculated move and hence qualifies to be called a cold blooded murder. It is a willful and calculated destruction of a human. And yes, suicide a is selfish act. No argument would change that. There may be 100s of other things that are selfish and I agree with you on that point, but suicide is also utterly selfish.

I also agree with you that We should try to help someone facing a difficult time, but people cannot help people all the time. At the end of the day, you have to stand up for your self on your own strength when required. Everyone has their own share of problems and some people get a lot bigger share, but Suicide is never a solution any problem. People who haven't too many hardships in life may really sympathize with people who committed suicide, but people who have faced hardships will sympathize with their conditions, but never for taking such drastic decisions. It is the problem that needs to be tackled with, not your own life because the problem is then going to out live you. Alright, this girl was getting bullied and took her own life to put a stop to it, so what is the final outcome? The bullies would move on to somebody else, nothing more.

I have had a couple of direct encounters of cases of suicide and attempted suicide in my life ( one was a batch-mate at college during M.Tech and another a cousin) and I have absolutely no sympathies for their decisions. In my book, any one feeble enough to see suicide as a solution to their problems have no place to survive in this world because at the end somebody can help them to stand up once or twice, but nobody can really help them with their problems all the time.
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