Burn PS2 Games

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I downloaded two PS2 games Def Jam Fight for NY and COD 5, both games were iso. So i burned those ISOs directly on DVD using Nero.
But the games are not detected on my PS2(its modded).

Is there a perticular way that i have to burn PS2 games

plz help :)
sankalpnaik said:
I downloaded two PS2 games Def Jam Fight for NY and COD 5, both games were iso. So i burned those ISOs directly on DVD using Nero.

But the games are not detected on my PS2(its modded).

Is there a perticular way that i have to burn PS2 games

plz help :)

I use imgburn for this job. And burn at a very lower speed like 4x (safest); anything more than 8x will not guarantee any result
Use ImgBurn, burn the Images directly at very low speed.. It will take time, but your PS2 will run these DVDs..

PS2 drive reads @ low speed.
Loading Games using Pen drive / External HDD is quiet tough as many have tried but were not able to succeed. But yes i have been using my PS2 to play avi (Divx/Xvid) movies off my modest 2 GB pen drive and they play really great. The software used is called SMS Player. You can checkout


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Your PS2 is modded and it wouldn't read burnt discs? Try burning @ slow speeds as someone said. Burning ISO files directly is the only option, you needn't change any contents..

Can you run the cheap DVDs that are avble in the mkt? If so, your PS2 could be confirmed as 'modded'..
i faced the same problem when i tried using nero, but since then have been burning using Ultra ISO on my lap(most of them) and some with Power ISO on my desktop; they intitate the NERo API for burning but its a safe bet, and my PS2 has since read all the game titles, also i have burnt all the titles @ 8X/maximum....no issues here.

p.s.- i had to transfer the downloads to my lap(which has only Ultra ISO insatlled) that did not show up as Power ISO compatible files on my desktop...so guess Ultra ISO is the safe bet!!!enjoy!!!
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