Burning Help Needed !! URGENTLY !!

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hey guys i have 250gb+ movies and now its time to burn them in dvd's .
each dvd has capacity of 4.7 gb

i want the burning software in which i just put the 250gb folder (containing many 700mb and 400mb single file movies) and it automatically burns discs after discs making optimum use of 4.7gb of each disc .
remember each dvd should be playable separately , i meant i dont want the burning software to split any file !!

example : - if i have 10gb movies , i put the folder and it makes one dvd of 4.1 gb and no splitting of files , all files at original , second dvd 4.3 and so on . i dont want that it fills all 4.7 gb , i just want my files to be original and not compressed or splitted . and are burnt in separate dvds automatically .

i hopt you understand . i tried nero but when i add the 200gb folder or even 5 gb folder it says not enough space on dvd insert another capacity dvd . it should ask me to burn the files into separate dvd's instead . i mean why nero is not doing that .

i have tried nti cd maker but there is no any pause button for the project , i mean if i put 200gb into burning i will have to pop dvds one after another , but if power cuts or i have to play some game , i just pause the project (ofcourse after 1 dvd is burnt completely) .

You raised this thread exactly on time. Some advise on movies.

Yesterday itself I threw about 74 DVDs that I burned of movies only, that I backed up about 2 years back. The reason behind it are few that I noticed :

a. How many times do we watch an already watched movie.

b. Should we watch an already watched movie or should we watch the one not seen.

c. How feasible is it to store a movie to be seen about after a decade in the same old crappy format, or rather should't we download the new ones with better quality.

d. Backing up on DVDs isn't environment friendly at all. Plastic, Plastic, Plastic Waste.

e. Have we seen all the movies in the world, at an average, if i watch 2 movies a day, then i cannot even cover the top movies released ASIA wide, forget about world wide release.

f. With todays internet speeds, i can download a 1.3GB rip in about 2-5 hours and a 700MB rip in about 2-3 hours, then why to store something that you can download overnight.

g. Don't the STORING MOVIE issue be solved with TIME MANAGEMENT, where I can just decide a day before for what i need to watch and simply put it on an overnight download.

These were few of the questions that i thought of and scrapped all the DVDs that i burned, without even giving a damn about whats in them.

Just think over it and save DVDs. And if you still think that you need to burn those DVDs then better backup family pictures and other important documents & not to forget the SAVE GAMES.
JayMathers said:
You raised this thread exactly on time. Some advise on movies.
Yesterday itself I threw about 74 DVDs that I burned of movies only, that I backed up about 2 years back. The reason behind it are few that I noticed :
a. How many times do we watch an already watched movie.
b. Should we watch an already watched movie or should we watch the one not seen.
c. How feasible is it to store a movie to be seen about after a decade in the same old crappy format, or rather should't we download the new ones with better quality.
d. Backing up on DVDs isn't environment friendly at all. Plastic, Plastic, Plastic Waste.
e. Have we seen all the movies in the world, at an average, if i watch 2 movies a day, then i cannot even cover the top movies released ASIA wide, forget about world wide release.
f. With todays internet speeds, i can download a 1.3GB rip in about 2-5 hours and a 700MB rip in about 2-3 hours, then why to store something that you can download overnight.
g. Don't the STORING MOVIE issue be solved with TIME MANAGEMENT, where I can just decide a day before for what i need to watch and simply put it on an overnight download.

These were few of the questions that i thought of and scrapped all the DVDs that i burned, without even giving a damn about whats in them.
Just think over it and save DVDs. And if you still think that you need to burn those DVDs then better backup family pictures and other important documents & not to forget the SAVE GAMES.

bro i am not backing up for myself !! its for friends and families also like i would like my movies to be watched by my friends .

anyways name the burning software dudes , fast !! with the features i asked !!
^^ I agree, there is no software which can give you the specifics that you reuire. burn them one by one or better still, copy them in portable HDD's the 2.5" ones and be happy.
Tech_enthu said:
^^ I agree, there is no software which can give you the specifics that you reuire. burn them one by one or better still, copy them in portable HDD's the 2.5" ones and be happy.

nti cd maker does this but i want other bruning software in which i can pause the project as said .
its not about movies , suppose there are 250gb files i have to backup , now got that ? no need of video conversion , just the burning software will automatically arrange the files for me in 4.7 gb dvds .

also it can do that make 4.7 gb different folders of the files so i can burn them manually .
Dude Any Movy collection can only rise.
No point burning DVDs...Total Waste...DVDs over a period of time end up as plastic waste ( Literally...You cant rely on them)
So the best option would be to invest in a 1TB External Drive which would cost around 4000 bucks. More over you would be spending around 1500 bucks on DVDs...add to it the time to burn them.

I would not recommend burning movys to DVDs...with GAMES ...the scenario is different.
Blu-ray media and burners can't become mainstream soon enough.

I usually just watch and delete stuff, but there are a lot of things which I'd love to share with the family.
JayMathers said:
You raised this thread exactly on time. Some advise on movies.

Yesterday itself I threw about 74 DVDs that I burned of movies only, that I backed up about 2 years back. The reason behind it are few that I noticed :

a. How many times do we watch an already watched movie.

b. Should we watch an already watched movie or should we watch the one not seen.

c. How feasible is it to store a movie to be seen about after a decade in the same old crappy format, or rather should't we download the new ones with better quality.

d. Backing up on DVDs isn't environment friendly at all. Plastic, Plastic, Plastic Waste.

e. Have we seen all the movies in the world, at an average, if i watch 2 movies a day, then i cannot even cover the top movies released ASIA wide, forget about world wide release.

f. With todays internet speeds, i can download a 1.3GB rip in about 2-5 hours and a 700MB rip in about 2-3 hours, then why to store something that you can download overnight.

g. Don't the STORING MOVIE issue be solved with TIME MANAGEMENT, where I can just decide a day before for what i need to watch and simply put it on an overnight download.

These were few of the questions that i thought of and scrapped all the DVDs that i burned, without even giving a damn about whats in them.

Just think over it and save DVDs. And if you still think that you need to burn those DVDs then better backup family pictures and other important documents & not to forget the SAVE GAMES.
dude, i could have taken all those dvd's if they were working fine.. i think, those discs must have had some good movies in them..
does it splits or arranges files ?

i dont want the files to get splitted like hjsplit ,
but if it simply arranges the files without modifying it , that will be nice .
I think more feasible solution is getting a 1TB HDD. Samsung 1TB costs just 3k. 930 GB /4.3GB= 216 DVDs. Now multiply by cost of a single good quality DVD, which i think ~13. SO its 2.8k. With HDD, you can save precious time of backing up, and put it in a box, after backing up. Might last longer than DVDs.
agantuk said:
^ Are you too lazy to even try it? If so, you shouldn't even bother attempting what you are trying to.

dear friend my hard disk is full , so its no possible to try coz i opened it and it says copy source to destination in 4.7 gbs , no space to do that .

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dOm1naTOr said:
I think more feasible solution is getting a 1TB HDD. Samsung 1TB costs just 3k. 930 GB /4.3GB= 216 DVDs. Now multiply by cost of a single good quality DVD, which i think ~13. SO its 2.8k. With HDD, you can save precious time of backing up, and put it in a box, after backing up. Might last longer than DVDs.

which 1tb hdd of samsung is 3k ? and where to buy re ?
me in bangalore ..
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