I have been playing with the idea of starting a gaming cafe in Mumbai. And I am not been able to come up with a meaningful ROI (Retun of Investment) model for the same.
Just to put across my dilemma:
Initial CAPEX for
a) 10 PS3's with accessories = 400000
b) 10 32" LCD TV's = 400000
c) Cafe Interiors = 500000
d) Other Expenses (shop deposit etc) = 300000
Total Capex = 1600000
With such a high capex I am wondering how would I realize ROI.
Even if the above stuff's are loaned then my loan emi would be around 40000 to 45000 (atleast) per month.
If I add rent and other expenses (salary for staff) per month, then that would amount to another 30000.
EMI = 45000
Other running expense = 30000
Total running expense per month = 75000/-
Can one earn more than 75000/- pm from 10 PS3's? :S
I have been playing with the idea of starting a gaming cafe in Mumbai. And I am not been able to come up with a meaningful ROI (Retun of Investment) model for the same.
Just to put across my dilemma:
Initial CAPEX for
a) 10 PS3's with accessories = 400000
b) 10 32" LCD TV's = 400000
c) Cafe Interiors = 500000
d) Other Expenses (shop deposit etc) = 300000
Total Capex = 1600000
With such a high capex I am wondering how would I realize ROI.
Even if the above stuff's are loaned then my loan emi would be around 40000 to 45000 (atleast) per month.
If I add rent and other expenses (salary for staff) per month, then that would amount to another 30000.
EMI = 45000
Other running expense = 30000
Total running expense per month = 75000/-
Can one earn more than 75000/- pm from 10 PS3's? :S