Buying a fridge help needed.

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I m planning to buy a new fridge for my Home.

Which Brand should i go about?
What will be the price ?
As i live in remote place where electricity stay for 16 hours what brand will be advisable ?
Do they offer exchange offer?
frost free will have a different section for frozen goods and ice and another section for regular food frost free just means that frozen goods n ice section doesnt need to be defrosted again n again manualy like in old refrigerators where ice section is some time filled up completly with ice. non-frost free will have a single section for both regular food n ice.I owe a godrej eon lookwise much better than others frost free double door 230ltrs got for around 12k.only 1 thing kinda bugs me side panels are always warm/hot its ok acornding to manual as its for better cooling.I think u should check a couple of place for price and size as per ur budget and get a frost free 1.
tin_tin_jose said:
frost free will have a different section for frozen goods and ice and another section for regular food frost free just means that frozen goods n ice section doesnt need to be defrosted again n again manualy like in old refrigerators where ice section is some time filled up completly with ice. non-frost free will have a single section for both regular food n ice.I owe a godrej eon lookwise much better than others frost free double door 230ltrs got for around 12k.only 1 thing kinda bugs me side panels are always warm/hot its ok acornding to manual as its for better cooling.I think u should check a couple of place for price and size as per ur budget and get a frost free 1.

I m looking for 165 liter frost free fridge and it should able to sustain in load shedding :hap2:
Best suited is Electrolux, lg, Whirlpool 200ltr

cost range Rs 11000-14000

I am not sure on exchange offer. Best luck on the buy :)
I bought a 230 ltr LG fridge a couple of months back. I was very disappointed with the options available in the market.... All the extra space ( over the regualr 165 ltr versions) was wasted in giving a huge freezer while I was looking for one with minimalistic freezer space with more room for the rest.

I compared some 6-7 brands and settled in for an LG. I feel Whirlpool fridges have sensible designs too..
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