Processor Intel E7500 5800Rs
Motherboard Intel 5000Rs
Memory DDR3 2x2GB 5000Rs
Graphics Zotac Nvidia GeForce 9800GT 6000Rs
HDD 500GB 2500Rs
Cabinet CoolerMaster 2200Rs
SMPS 450-500 Corsair/Coolermaster 3000Rs
DVD Sony SATA DVD 1300Rs
Key/Mouse Standard 1000Rs
Speaker 500Rs
Monitor Samsung 2233SW 9000Rs
UPS APC BR1100 6000Rs
is wat i have got after asking here n der...
Does the price seem right? Also hows the spec? Main purpose Gaming. Budget upto 50k
Thanks in advance
Motherboard Intel 5000Rs
Memory DDR3 2x2GB 5000Rs
Graphics Zotac Nvidia GeForce 9800GT 6000Rs
HDD 500GB 2500Rs
Cabinet CoolerMaster 2200Rs
SMPS 450-500 Corsair/Coolermaster 3000Rs
DVD Sony SATA DVD 1300Rs
Key/Mouse Standard 1000Rs
Speaker 500Rs
Monitor Samsung 2233SW 9000Rs
UPS APC BR1100 6000Rs
is wat i have got after asking here n der...
Does the price seem right? Also hows the spec? Main purpose Gaming. Budget upto 50k
Thanks in advance