Buying FZ35 from US!! help

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Guys my friend is coming tomorrow
he cannot buy from AMAZOn as shipping will take time ................
BESTbuy doesnt have them ...................... i can get CANON SX20is @17K

suggest any mall/store near ILLInois ...........where i can get them ...........

Dude, Illinois is a whole state! Specify a city or town to e more precise.

Also, Best Buy or any other brick and mortar outlet will not sell Panasonic cameras. The only option is Amazon.

Finally, between all the camera you listed above, you have to be clear about what you want. The TZ7 and the SX200 are mega zoom cameras in a compact frame which can be stuffed inside your pocket even. Whereas the FZ35 and the SX20 are larger mega zoom cameras for which you will definitely need a dedicated camera bag. Be clear about what you want.
heavy snow in ILLinois ........................

no Camera this time ................

will get it next time ....................................4 months maybe..............

please tell the best Image Quality

Nikon L20 vs Canon A480 .......................................
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