Buying inverter & battery in Surat

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Guys Need to buy a invertor for home in Surat. Please let me know what kind of setup I should go for. Fed of frequent power cuts during monsoons.
I need to power atleast 4 tube lights and fans and ofcourse refrigrator and may be a power out let for charging. Can keep the tv and ac turned off since don't want the screen to kaput. I don't mind going for a larger capacity one.
Please advise. Thanks a lot
Guys Need to buy a invertor for home in Surat. Please let me know what kind of setup I should go for. Fed of frequent power cuts during monsoons.
I need to power atleast 4 tube lights and fans and ofcourse refrigrator and may be a power out let for charging. Can keep the tv and ac turned off since don't want the screen to kaput. I don't mind going for a larger capacity one.
Please advise. Thanks a lot
Please have a look at this site:
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I've been using Exide EX850VA Premium pure sine wave inverter and Exide IT500 invatubular (150mah) battery since the past few months without any problems. You will need to decide on the capacity based on your requirements. is a good place to get reviews and suggestions.
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Gr8 thanks for the info guys. Will check the websites.
Any specific things to keep in mind when getting one? I don't want to end up with a low capacity one.
Fridge?? The only fridge which can run on inverter are the once which are made for inverter tech, very a few latest model(you see those adds where fridge is running on the same power as 2 CFL), for the rest of fridge models no matter how small, the inverter can never take the load of the fridge, simply because when the fridge's compressor starts, their is a huge power surge for a few mili seconds, that will put the inverter in overload mode. Similar to how normal AC and Inverter AC deffer.

Now in Surat I think, the power cut should be only during in rainy seasons due to power line failure etc, which mostly happens in the first months of rainy season, so any 850 VA invertor + 150 AH tublar battery should do.

I bought a Sukam 850 VA shiny model(~4.2k) + 150 AH Luminous tublar flat battery 10.5k + free stand 6 months back. It easily run my 40" led tv or desktop + 2 lights + 1 or 2 fans easily for 5-6 hours. Actually it has never run out of juice, as I switch off TV etc if it power cut is longer then 1 or 2 hours. btw I got the combo almost 1k cheaper offline, comparing with Betterybhai prices at that time, just looked up in google for authorized dealers, and ordered on phone, got installed next morning.
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Oh sorry didn't think about the fridge power consumption.
Great thanks for your suggestions will try to search for this model. I think it should be fine for my requirement. Tv + 3 tube lights + 3 fans.
The battery needs replacement yearly or can lost longer? I belive they are not serviceable and need complete replacement right?
Any tubular batteries can be maintained by topping up with distill water as and when required.
These battries will last approximately 5 -7 years
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For tubular batteries, generally flat(those low height, old type looking) once from good brand should last 3-4 years, those tall tubular costly batteries should last 4 to 6 years. depending upon the uses and maintenance. Offcourse backup time will keep reducing with time and at the end of life, it will not be even half the backup of what you would originally get. After that you can exchange your old battery with new one and can get 1k to 1.5k discount easily. Tubular battery requires less maintenance, less frequent acid water topup (which you should always get from only original/authorized supplier.). And yes for your requirement 150 AH battery is more then enough, if power cut is not more then 6-7 hours. Btw you can always get a higher power inverter(i. e. 1000 or 1100 VA ones etc for a few hundred bucks more) with the same battery, this way your inverter will be easily take the load of other equipment when needed. Just for example, at one time I had desktop/tv/lights/fan running, but when washing machine was turned on, inverter started beeping with overload.

EDIT: When you get your invertor installed, make sure that all the power plugs, where your heavy power consuming appliance are used, is not connected with Invertor's power supply. For each house holds, their is separate wiring for powerplugs, so the installing person will do it easily, but sometime some kamchore people will directly connect it to mains.
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Tall model take less space, as they are thin but taller. Not exactly sure, but supposedly that also requires more material inside the battery, hence they have longer life and are costly for same power capacity..Note that not all the batteries(low hight once) which have that water level check caps are tubular, similarly not all the tall battery models are tubular. So you need to buy a tubular one only.
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Wow great info here. Thanks a bunch every body.
I didn't know we have to get additional wiring done and that all equipment which requires power during outage have to be connected to the invert or.
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