Buying mobile from Indiatimes - Is the site reliable?

From where should I buy this phone?

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I want to buy Karbonn A15 mobile. Indiatimes is selling this phone for Rs.5657/- after discount and Saholic is selling for Rs.5799/-.

Should I buy from & is it a reliable site as I have not purchased anything from it ever?
I have seen customer horrible experience with indian imes, as they delay shipping, many times return ur money back after 2~3 months etc....
If you trust you can go ahead with these chaps.

Sites, that you can view --
  • homeshop18
  • snapdeal
India times is just pure luck, sometimes u get stuff within days, sometimes nothing more months, it has a reputation like timtara AFAIK.
I bought a 16GB memory card from them. After several remainders they sent it.

I would put it this way --> You need to (sometimes periodically) remind them that you have bought an item from them with your money and that you want it and they should ship it to you.

Timtara plays 'tun tun tara' with your money and forgets that you paid them.
I bough two products in the last month.
Never faced a problem with them,first product was delayed a bit but not much.
Second product was shipped the next day itself.
Customer care also responds well.
they have changed their ways I guess
Recently i ordered a mobile they took around 2 weeks to deliver the product .If you can wait for a very long duration then you can go with this website .
You will get the product eventually in indiatimes, but there will be signifiant delay. Their typicall shipping date is 10th day of payment.
Be ready for war, sometimes u get products next day, sometimes in 15 days, sometimes in a month.. Sometimes never... India times will soon become timtara... Getting money back is a problem...

Depends on who the seller is for the phones..
Just had an issue with my order which has been resolved.
They are definitely not scammers like timtara but they are a little slow with delivery(varies from order to order).
But their price after discounts is too good,like erstwhile letsbuy
Customer support is also pretty good if you escalate it to the right people....
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