PC Peripherals Buying my 1st assembled pc. need help

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I am planning to buy a assembled PC. I called SMC international at Nehru Place Delhi and got these prices.

Amd A64 3000 939 venice - 7.3k

Asus A8NE - 6.5k

seagate sata 80 gb hd - 2450

512 mb twinmos - 2.3k

dvd writer sony ( Benq 1640 was out of stock ) - 3.3k

xfx 6600gt 128mb - 9.7k

17 inch moniter - 5.4k

Are these prices ok? What would be good psu + cabinet for my system for

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, the prices are OK. :)

Get a cheapo cabinet and a Antec PSU..shud fi into 5K buill perfectly :)
Thanks for the reply sunnyboi,

The shop only has coolermaster psu. Should get coolermaster or antec? whats price for 400/450 watt 24pin antec psu ?
Prices are ok, i'd suggest you get a powersafe 500W and any local make cabinet like kunhar, frontech, zebronics etc and get another 512Mb ram from the money saved.
I would suggest a Antec 3700 cabinet which comes along with a Smart Power 350W. This comes exactly to ~5k and anything else will see you spending ~7k.

If you want a good PSU then get a Coolermaster/Antec 400W and a cheap cabinet.

And yeah do add that extra 512MB of memory, helps like hell ;)
I was already planning to get 1 GB ram, i just posted the price for 1 512 mb stick. I would probably go for 400/450 watt antec psu and a cheap cabinet.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
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