0-20k Buying PC in Online is good or in store is good ?

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There will be about 2-3k(Not always applicable but most of the times) price difference in the whole setup in Online vs Instore, as Online sites need to include Shipping and Payment Gateway fees.
Pls give some suggestion on how to buy a PC, weather online or in store, if online means give the link

Do you have a configuration in mind? If yes, please share with us.

Where are you based? Most Metros have a good central PC hub market with decent amount of choice / option of having it shipped to your doorstep.

Here are the sites I recommend --
  • flipkart.com - terrible pricing on a few components though
  • Prime ABGB
  • hardwire.in
  • The IT Depot
Hope this helps, Cheerio!

One of my friend is located in Pune. I shared RIG which you suggested me.
Is there any good local market/shop in Pune or he have to rely on online stores?
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One of my friend is located in Pune. I shared RIG which you suggested me.
Is there any good local market/shop in Pune or he have to rely on online stores?

My college friend who resides there says it is better if you drive down to Bombay, spend a day and buy the RIG from there itself rather than Pune because the pricing is inflated on-street.
So the prices are almost same in Nehru Place and Lamington Road or not? If NP is cheaper then I will carry some parts with me as I am travelling there, otherwise I tell him to visit Lamington Road.
Here is the comparison I did for component prices fir my rig between Nehru Place, Flipkart and US (from PCpartpicker)
Comparision Prices for Hackintosh.jpg
or here http://i.imgur.com/HbQNC.png

To tell the truth, it won't be any use to you as the budget range is too different. I think at your budget a branded computer makes much more sense. I bought a Lenovo All in One for my dad last year at around 28,000 at my local store and he has not complained too loudly. If you aren't gaming I would recommend a branded PC as it takes much of hassles of a computer built from components away.
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