Monitors c2d amd or lcd

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cricfan said:
u cud have waited for a few more days..amd has reduced the prices of athlon series today..u cud have saved upto 600rupees

well :O but i damage evthing for 16k cpu+mo+ram and psc 600 watt :)

here ma screenshot

but i will get 250 hard disk soon :ohyeah:

Congrats Arun. Now u r armed to play 24x7. Nice PSU.

And as u said in your earlier post that u r more interested in acquiring computer knowledge than to improve your writing skills, then atleast name the components right.

There is nothing like drr3, 45mm processor.

Nevermind, enjoy the upgrade :cool:
arunhalo said:
i tr many shop ask for 45 mm cpu no stock :(

Lo'l.. Its not yet released arun!!!

Ur best bet wud certainly be an upgrade and fer 15k u wudn want to go fer a P35 soln... Go with an AMD tat may support the barcelonas and Agenas wen released...
arunhalo said:
i have few problem

should i go for 19 widesceen viewsonic

or c2d am2 cpu 4800 or 5200x/2 65 mm daul core any gud mo which support oc extra

because ma 1 stick 512 ram is out of dated and not working :@ due u ma gpu card oc :S
so another 512 ram is working ;)

i need amd c2d cpu+ram+gud mo support oc extra+ psc any gud brand :S
beacause i have larger hsf fan :P

or stick view sonic 19 lcd + 1gb ram ddr 400 mhs and 160 gb hard extra :ashamed:
any change of gud idea :huh:

or i will sell that old cpu 3000 and mo with 512 ram :ashamed:
max budget 15k

Now what the hell in earth is C2D AM2 CPU ?????????????:P :P :P :P :P :P :P

You meant AMD AM2 socket Dual core CPU that is the X2 right ?
arunhalo said:
i pay 3750 r.s

but 5000x/2 cost 5200 r,s too costly
but i can oc that cpu higher ;)

5000+ is not a good choice..5200 /5600 is..why r u hell bent on OC..for the cost of that high end mobo u cud have gone with a 690g mobo worth 3.5 and got yourself a good 5200+ cpu....u cud have overclocked it too..
Don't mind the others. Whatever you buy, you could always have bought better. Just enjoy your system. congrats on your new upgrades!

P.S.-I've seen only one readable post of yours.Was that one really copy pasted?!?
spitfire said:
Now what the hell in earth is C2D AM2 CPU ?????????????:P :P :P :P :P :P :P

You meant AMD AM2 socket Dual core CPU that is the X2 right ?

u don't understand c2d means get cheap cpu with less budget

or intel e6550 :P
Punjab234 said:
RAM running in dual channel mode?

ma ram has dual channel :S

why is that cpu-z show singe channels

i have transcend lately time is 5 only single channel :huh:
you might not have installed the RAM in the correct slots..

consult your motherboard manual for the slots you need to install your RAM in so as to run them in Dual Channel Mode
sTALKEr said:
you might not have installed the RAM in the correct slots..
consult your motherboard manual for the slots you need to install your RAM in so as to run them in Dual Channel Mode
yup thats the reason ;)
sTALKEr said:
you might not have installed the RAM in the correct slots..
consult your motherboard manual for the slots you need to install your RAM in so as to run them in Dual Channel Mode

i foudn soem site about his mo asus m2n-e and m2n sli :O



dude see this ram :S

i am get new ram with heat spread also some gpu card 8800 ultra or 8900 gtx

from Austrian so that ma bro will buy :D

any idea which is best card and ram max budget 800$ aus
also i am getting too much worst of overcloking ram and cpu :S
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