PC Peripherals C2D Idling at 45° C and When on Processor Intensive Applications ,Goes upto 72°C:

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I have relocated My PC to Another ROOM Due to Construction Works.Some How ,The Temperature Idling Increased from 34-35° C to 40-45°C Now and On High Load Goes till 55°C or So is Now Goes Upto 72°C !!.This is After doing:
  • Cleaning HSF and Processor and New Thermal Paste(White Coloured ,Sourced from Local Shop) Applied.
  • Cleaning Motherboard etc etc
Is there any Solution?The CPU has Original Thermal Intake Material Earlier and It was doing the Work Good.
(Also Suggest a VFM CPU Cooler,Since I tend to Compile Linux Packages from Source for eg like Firefox etc Which is Processor Intensive).
Current Stat.Seems Processor is underclocking Slightly to Avoid overheating(earlier reads at 2400.xx)

model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40GHz
stepping : 13
cpu MHz : 2399.986
cache size : 2048 KB
Help needed.
Whats the budget for cpu cooler?

If you can afford then go for TRUE with a high cfm fan like scythe ultra kaze or u can buy one of noctua's heatsinks.
Obviously you did not fix the cooler properly over the CPU. Before using TP the temp was 45 and after cleaning with TP there's only one raeson for it shoot upto 72. HSF not properly fit.
Get some good TIM from a decent company. Minimal CM Nano Fusion if you cannot source the good ones.
I have got Coolermaster Thermalfusion 400.Going to try it.BTW ,The HSF -One Leg is not securing.it pulls off after sometime. :( Another issue -I've to find this cleaning agent for HSF/CPU?Isopropyl Alcohol?
The HSF should lock in solid, else the contact will not be integral. Either make it fit, else if the pin is disfigured you would need to change the HSF. The cleaning agent you mentioned is available in most chemist shops.
Yup.got the isopropyl alcohol. and regarding leg of hsf ,it is not broken per say;I've to check it again after removing the motherboard.I feel uncomfortable pusing the HSF to the mobo inside the Cabinet.

PS:What is the Right Way to Apply Thermal Paste?Shall I apply to HSF and Secure OR Put a blob on the Processor and spread it over?

Best way to mount the HSF, put the board and a soft surface with some anti-static material in between and do the push-pins. Flip it over, all pins should be protruding. Put a small blob -- and spread it evenly. Thin as possible. Thinner the better...!
Put a small blob -- and spread it evenly

You mean ,by Hand? OR IS it Fine Pasting a small vertical strip of TIM to the processor and Just Press lock HSF over it?That's What Arctic Silver Website says about.Last time(some 3 yrs back) ,I spread the TIM using a plastic cover on fingure to eventually spread.
You can do it by hand, cover your finger with a plastic. Else use an old CC/small inch ruler.
Idle temp came down to around 37-38° Celcius with ThermalFusion 400(I bought it for Rs450 locally) applied by spreading manually.On Processor Intensive tasks ,the temp climbs to 43-45° C.As of Now ,the Problem is Resolved.

But,I've Noticed that Stock Intel HSF's Round portion(Which meets Processor Once Mounted) got some scratches on the corners Which may be hindering the Cooling effect and the Main Reason.
Anyways ,will be getting a Coolermaster Hyper 212+(Quoted ~1900 by distributor) Later On in sync with procy+mobo upgrade.

Thanks to All.
I've got a OEM Coolermaster CPU Cooler.A Doubt though : the Heatsink comes with Thermal paste Applied.Is it Good Enough?Shall I Clean the Contact Plate and Apply CM Thermalfusion 400(Thermal Grease) on the Heat Spreader of the processor to Install?
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