PC Peripherals Cabinet with Bottom mounted PSU..in ~2k budget..

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so letting go my Bijli(zebronics) for 600 to a frnd... lookin for a cabinet wid PSU slot at bottom.

CM Elite 33x looks like a decent cabinet series for my budget bt doesnot allow bottom mounting of PSU.

i have two options:-

Cabinet with PSU bottom mountable... under 2-2.5k budget...


Motherboard mounting tray for starting custom cabinet build.

Let the opinions n advice flow in guys :)

PS: i donot need a PSU, just cabinet that will allow me to mount PSU at bottom...or a motherboard mounting tray...whichever that will be easy to get n within my budget..
I think cheapest bottom mounting PSU cabbie u can get is Antec 300 for around Rs. 3500. Its worth the extra money definitely!
well antec 300 looks like a good cabinet bt still way out of my budget.

still huntin for an alternative to elite 33x...will settle on elite 33x if cant find it by next weekend.

thnx for ur input. :)
Circle is Excellent VFM ATX Cabinet @1700 with SMPS (400w) which serving me Asus P5W DH wifi, Q6600, Hitichi 500GB, DVD, HD3870-512mb.

And Model Delight is MicroATX, which comes with bottom SMPS fitted
^^ helps with keeping your cabby cooler.,, Hot air from the system does not end up rising up INTO your PSU. The PSU fan is supposed to exhaust ONLY the PSU's heat, and not the whole system's heat.

Helps with cable routing.
gcbeldar said:
Circle is Excellent VFM ATX Cabinet @1700 with SMPS (400w) which serving me Asus P5W DH wifi, Q6600, Hitichi 500GB, DVD, HD3870-512mb.

And Model Delight is MicroATX, which comes with bottom SMPS fitted

i need Full ATX size case.
want case wid bottom mounted PSU so that there will be some room left above my cpu hsf. + the heat issue mentioned.
Sorry to bring this up again, but madnav did u find such a case?

I'm building a system for my friend and thinking of getting case with bottom mounted PSU, he is ready to stretch his budget upto 3k for case... so I'm hoping to find something at or under 3k.
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