Call of duty 4 Multiplayer Guide For Absolute Newbies

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Before starting the guide , reminding all that i was also a total newbie in this game.The first game that i have tried online , so i lacked the skills and knowledge of any tactical multiplayer online.So i will share with all some certain tips or tactics that i have gained playing over the net.Remeber this guide is for total newbies and not for someone to become a pro:hap5:.This guide is for starters only!
The first thing that i want to say about , when playing a tactical FPS is theUSE OF RESOURCES by that i mean frag granades which everyone gets one ,later on with perks u can use 3 frags ,and then there comes the special granade[smoke,stun etc] , later on unlockables like C4 , Claymore etc.Be sure to use all of them before u die once . Running and gunning is one thing but be also sure to use these cuz once u die and respawn u get these again.Using them at the right time can be deadly.Some tips on positioning your claymores-this is according to what i have found effective - plant them on tight 90 degree turns,enemy wont see it placed there.

When i first started playing the game i was like firing at everyone frantic,which proved very ineffective later on!firing frantically u wont hit the target much,I recommend firing in short bursts or spraying thats what the pros call it.And now comes the choice between hip firing and sight firing,never try to sight fire on an enemy who is close in range hip firing with short bursts will be better,go ti sight firing more if only the enemy is out of sight cuz wen u you are firing in sight mode you cant move much and if the target is moving then it ll be tough to hit him also,but if u are hip firing you can also move plus u can also adjust the crosshair according to his can always go into sight mode when the target is a little out of sight or either unaware or something.Firing stance is also an important factor which affects the game play,and also switching stances between firing.when not in combat stand stance is good cuz by that way you can run faster.Kneeling stance can increase your accuracy but u maynot be able to run quickly as in stand stance.Prone if u want more stealth or more cover , out of enemy sight i mean.althoug prone stance is majorly for stealth while in combat you can suddenly switch to prone stance which induces a little hesitation upon the enemy!;) Also do this if u are hit and in a critical condition be quick to switch to prone stance.

Dont hesitate to knife kill an enemy if he is too close!!!!!
i was also hesitant in using the knife,always tried to shoot him when he is too close and then he knife kills me:bleh: so dont try to shoot if enemy is too close just knife him. Very effective method cuz you dont need to do it twice only once and the enemy will be down!!

I hope with all these things in mind u can be a better player in call of duty 4 multiplayer online!!!!!!

Update from others are welcomed!
Excuse me if i have missed something very important!!!
Good stuff. The other advantage of a knife is that you don't show up on the UAV radar, and nor do other opponents hear you.

How about posting the servers you use often vinod?

I use servers - they have a lot of different ones with different types of games. But am always on the lookout for better ping servers.
if u use a silenced gun,then again u ll be inviscible ! /this server is almost always empty ,play with ma frndz in this ! gettin 130-180 pings

these are the ones i play on much often!!!

can u give ur!!
These are some of the Combos i used to play with...

For Close Quarters


Primary : P90 or MP5 with Red DOt Sight
Seconday: <your choice> or the Desert Eagle
Grenade: Frag

PERK1: Frag x 3
PERK2: Stopping Power or Double Tap
PERK3: Martyrdom or Last Stand

The p90 with the double tap is just crazy.:hap2:
And Martyrdom will give you free kills in maps like Shipment
If you chose Last Stand, make sure your secondary is favourably a Desert Eagle

MP5(red Dot) + Stopping Power + Steady Aim is also a good Combo.

Primary : W1200 or M1014 with Red DOt Sight
Seconday: <your choice> or the Desert Eagle
Grenade: Flash

PERK1: Flash x 3
PERK2: Double Tap
PERK3: Deep Impact or Steady Aim

With the Double tap perk, you can make your w1200 as effective as the m1014 as you the 'pump' time is drastically decreased. Also with Deep Impact your enemies wont be able to hide behind walls.

For Medium - Long Ranges


Primary : M4 with Red DOt Sight or ACOG scope
Seconday: <your choice> or the Desert Eagle
Grenade: Frag

PERK1: Claymore x 2
PERK2: Juggernaut
PERK3: Extreme Conditioning

This is one of my favourite Combos in maps like bog, i used to call it Hit N Run :P
It gives you good mobility, so sprint from cover to cover, stopping only to shoot, as you are difficulty to shoot while sprinting and the Juggernaut perk will save you against a few hits while sprinting.
Primary : M4 or G3 with Red DOt Sight or ACOG scope
Seconday: <your choice> or the Desert Eagle
Grenade: Frag

PERK1: Bandolier
PERK2: Stopping Power
PERK3: Deep Impact

One of the most common effective perks. AS you will be mostly shooting through walls(Spamming) , the Bandolier perk will make sure you dont run of out ammo. and Stopping power will make SURE you get the kills.
The ACOG scope is great in this mode, coz of the deadly Burst Fire. You are almost sure to get a kill.

The G3 is an amazing gun at mid range, with these perks, you'll get a kill in 2 shots(unless the opponent has juggernaut)

Primary : AK47 with Silencer
Seconday: <your choice> or the Desert Eagle
Grenade: Stun

PERK1: Bandolier or Bomb Squad
PERK2: UAV Jammer
PERK3: steady Aim

This is a great perk, if you know how to use it. Just find a sneaky spot.
With UAV jammer, enemies wont be able to see you on Radar + silencer makes you invisible as well. Steady Aim compensates the need of a Sight (at medium ranges)
I was never a Sniper, although being a sniper is very effective in Maps like Bloc. Although the G3 + Stopping power is good enough at Long ranges and is faster(to shoot) too.

I'll add more as i remember:)

Some Tips:
Place claymores around corners (essentially blind Spots) + with Sonic Boom, you can guarantee yourself a Kill

If you like Heavy MGs like the SAW, i'd recommend using the Sleight of Hand perk, as it reduces the reloading time of MGs by almost half.

If you see many enemies together on the RAdar(like they are making a rush), you can toss some grenades in their general area, you'll get kills.
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A one hit kill weapon.
I would recommend binding the Melee Attack (knife) key to one of the mouse buttons (i use Mouse4) or any easy to reach key.
Very useful when you're stuck reloading a weapon, or the enemy catches you by surprise (close range - a corner for eg), just Sprint & knife. Also you dont show up on the enemies radar and the sound is minimal.

- Extreme Conditioning + Juggernaut Perks can be useful here...
During Team matches, Dont Double up on Calling in UAVs.
If a team-mate has a UAV online, wait until it runs out, and then call in Yours. You need to keep an eye on the radar for this, but if done properly it can be beneficial for the entire team.

Make the best use of a UAV, call in an air strike at enemy infested spots marked on the radar. You just need two more kills (if you havent died) to get Chopper Support. If the airstriek is used in conjuction with the UAV, your chances of getting 'free kills' (airstrike + chopper) becomes higher.
MAke sure every one on your team has silencers for their primary weapons (prefer Rifles with greater damage) and the UAV jammer perk. Silent Assassins :P

This is a fairly good perk for those who like to carry a heavy weapon(like a Sniper), but want to enjoy the mobility of SMG users. Carry two rifles/ similar weapons is just a waste.

Stunned Opponents move slower for a short amount of time. and their ability to Aim is also affected. The hud indicates when you've stunned someone by changing the crosshair from '+' to 'x' (just like when you hit someone)

You can Detonoate the C4 by also Double tapping the 'E' key.
Set C4 at choke points and Snipe from a distance.
Also set a c4 on a vehicle for improved blast radius (due to the vehicles explosion)
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