Call Of Duty 4(PS3)

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okay i got this today and well the controls are a lil messed up, well when i press up witht he analog stick it looks down.Its doing the opps thing so any1 have any ideas why and stuff?
Go into Options and Controls. You need to find a setting called something like "Invert Up/Down" or "Invert Y-Axis" - Turn that off. That's it.
vebk said:
Go into Options and Controls. You need to find a setting called something like "Invert Up/Down" or "Invert Y-Axis" - Turn that off. That's it.

i second that... it really gets frustrating in flight sims :no: :@
damn coz when i try getting on the net with it its way to slow wantedtoknw if any1 else has the same problems
lol i dont know why they do this in games, but in some games like half-life, i like the invert axis, but when i play red faction or... max payne it is extremely annoying!
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