FT5clan.com is creating Indian TRI series for all Indian players from FT5 A, FT5B & FTE clan also any Free Agent Indian player, but teams will be like CAP mode..
e.g. HG99, Gunnu, Snakeater 3 captains can choose PLAYER from any CLAN or any Free Agent thats must be an INDIAN.
Only few Rules:
1. Promod v.3 - SnD
2. Maps: Crash, Strike, Vacant, District, Crossfire, Backlot
3. No Mouse Scroller scripts or Hacks
4. No Abusing any Mods or Admins
5. After every Match take Screenshots on Xfire n Post the Links in this Same Forum.
6. You need to have Original CoD4 CDKeys
7. Match will be Held everyday after 6pm
(this Event is Scheduled to start on 11th March 2009 & to be completed before 23rd March 2009)
To select Captains and Teams we will have a Knife round btw choosen Captains.
Please Join FatalToxic5 on TeamSpeak:
To register your Team or yourself as FREE AGENT please Post a REPLy here with these details.
its not a big event, but we can make it big, there is no Prize money for anything, but i can assure you that u will earn Skills n SnD strategies. It will be just a max 2 weeks event, just for CoD4 Lovers.
And we will get to see new players, best players & more over we will help to form a BIG CoD4 community here ..
those FreeAgents who replyied 1st will get chance to play in 4 teams that going to play in our SERIES.
4 Captains are: STEEL | Gunnu | Snakeater | Nemo | Sn!per
TEAMS with players listing will be announced on FT5 TeamSpeak on 12:05pm Morrning and after confirming it will be posted on this FORUM section.
Thanks all those who reply here n supported our Small Event, its going to Start after Rangpanchami on 11th March 2009
SteeL and FT5 n fTe team members
FT5clan.com is creating Indian TRI series for all Indian players from FT5 A, FT5B & FTE clan also any Free Agent Indian player, but teams will be like CAP mode..
e.g. HG99, Gunnu, Snakeater 3 captains can choose PLAYER from any CLAN or any Free Agent thats must be an INDIAN.
Only few Rules:
1. Promod v.3 - SnD
2. Maps: Crash, Strike, Vacant, District, Crossfire, Backlot
3. No Mouse Scroller scripts or Hacks
4. No Abusing any Mods or Admins
5. After every Match take Screenshots on Xfire n Post the Links in this Same Forum.
6. You need to have Original CoD4 CDKeys
7. Match will be Held everyday after 6pm
(this Event is Scheduled to start on 11th March 2009 & to be completed before 23rd March 2009)
Will be played online on these Servers:
FT5clan.com Promod Server
Fatal Toxic Elites ProMod Server
To select Captains and Teams we will have a Knife round btw choosen Captains.
Please Join FatalToxic5 on TeamSpeak:
Xfire: STEEL: steelxd | SAM: samy911x | SN!PER: brutesnip3r
To register your Team or yourself as FREE AGENT please Post a REPLy here with these details.
In-game Nick:
Cellphone no.:
FreeAgent or Clan?:
its not a big event, but we can make it big, there is no Prize money for anything, but i can assure you that u will earn Skills n SnD strategies. It will be just a max 2 weeks event, just for CoD4 Lovers.
And we will get to see new players, best players & more over we will help to form a BIG CoD4 community here ..

those FreeAgents who replyied 1st will get chance to play in 4 teams that going to play in our SERIES.
4 Captains are: STEEL | Gunnu | Snakeater | Nemo | Sn!per
TEAMS with players listing will be announced on FT5 TeamSpeak on 12:05pm Morrning and after confirming it will be posted on this FORUM section.
Thanks all those who reply here n supported our Small Event, its going to Start after Rangpanchami on 11th March 2009
SteeL and FT5 n fTe team members