Call of duty 6 announced

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i Feel they are just rushing into this now seeing the popularity COD 4 gained.

They are not even trying to make the game nextgen.
Was just playing world at war. Though its good , still CoD4 is a legend. So maybe Infinity Ward can kick some more A$$ now :D
I have no problem in them taking out titles year after year as long as they keep making them good.

CoD4 raised the bar of fps games to a whole new level.:gun2:

whats the problem if the same developer wants to have a go at it again even though the time difference between the titles is less.
Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward for the Win !!!!

Bring more future weapons and COD4 style fps!
vrd said:
I have no problem in them taking out titles year after year as long as they keep making them good.

CoD4 raised the bar of fps games to a whole new level.:gun2:

whats the problem if the same developer wants to have a go at it again even though the time difference between the titles is less.

the problem is that it kills innovation in the industry. new ips will decrease. no one will take a risk with new ideas. they will remake the same game over and over again and sell it to you. decreased production time means decreased quality control for the software, less time spent on QA and optimization. it will also mean less post release support in the form of patches and new content. do you remember the time when epic used to give out ut maps for free in bonus packs? when is the last time you saw that?

we all know the past 2 months have been loaded with awesome high profile AAA games right? now tell me how many of those are original games? off the top of my head i can only think of mirror's edge and left 4 dead. but i can think of lots of sequels. you get my point?
I dont care if COD6 is even a COD4 expansion pack! COD4 playtime was far too less, I can do with some new maps and weapons with the same engine for sure!
^ Yeah really.... we spend so much on gpus, its a treat when nice games are launched, even extension packs.
More and more games should come quickly so that we can play them all doesnt matter whether it is expansion pack or with new engine or whatever ................

We will play which we like and leave which we dont....anyway some games are so damm good that are liked by almost all like COD4
spindoctor said:
the problem is that it kills innovation in the industry. new ips will decrease. no one will take a risk with new ideas. they will remake the same game over and over again and sell it to you.

i know what you mean. games should not become repetitive and mundane and developers should not take wrong advantage of the previous version of the game's success by making shitty games and promoting them on the basis of the previous games.i agree with you on that point.but that is not always the case.
half life 2, episode 1 and episode 2 were released with only a little amount of time between them and i never felt that i was playing the same game over and over again. they felt like 3 distinct parts of a bigger story arc.
i guess its just different for different developers.

decreased production time means decreased quality control for the software, less time spent on QA and optimization.

they don't have an obligation to take out games at regular intervals do they? they will release them only after careful considerations regarding the games quality,performance etc.

it will also mean less post release support in the form of patches and new content.

isnt a whole new game better than post released maps,bonus packs etc for the same old game?
vrd said:
i know what you mean. games should not become repetitive and mundane and developers should not take wrong advantage of the previous version of the game's success by making shitty games and promoting them on the basis of the previous games.i agree with you on that point.but that is not always the case.
half life 2, episode 1 and episode 2 were released with only a little amount of time between them and i never felt that i was playing the same game over and over again. they felt like 3 distinct parts of a bigger story arc.
i guess its just different for different developers.

it has taken valve 3 years to put out 2 episodes with a total of 10 hours gameplay. so no, it's not a small amount of time between them. besides, discussing episodic content isn't quite right in the context of sequels. and leaving all that aside, valve has also come up with l4d, portal and tf2+updates in that same time frame. there is no shortage of innovation at valve. and valve doesn't work to anyone's deadlines but their own.

the call of duty games are not even direct sequels. world war 2 goes to modern warfare goes back to world war 2 which goes back to modern warfare again. nice consistency eh?

vrd said:
they don't have an obligation to take out games at regular intervals do they? they will release them only after careful considerations regarding the games quality,performance etc.

uh no. they work to a publisher's deadline. call of duty is somewhat unique in the sense that they have treyarch and infinity ward taking turns releasing their games so that gives them some breathing room but inspite of that, they are still working to a deadline. where is the innovation in world at war? they have taken the cod 4 engine and slapped on some ww2 maps. and they were working on this for 2 years?
vrd said:
isnt a whole new game better than post released maps,bonus packs etc for the same old game?

not when you get charged for it. something that used to be free now isn't. what would you have done if valve charged 10$ for each of the tf2 updates? besides, post production support isn't just bonus packs. there are patches that need to deal with performance issues, bugs, exploits, game balance. those get sidelined when you know that you need to bring the next sequel out next year. also consider that it fractures the online community.. if cod 4-7 came out in the span of 4 years, which game would the community be playing? (considering all are equal).
Anish said:
I dont care if COD6 is even a COD4 expansion pack! COD4 playtime was far too less, I can do with some new maps and weapons with the same engine for sure!

+1 :hap2:

bring it on! :ohyeah:
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