Call of Duty Modern Ware FAre 2 Gameplay

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Yeah i know altelast we know how the setpiece might look like in the final game.and i guess the graphics hasnt changed that much .and this is the firstt cod i think the players will get to swm to think about it did any cod game had a mission where the players had to swim :huh:
yeah,..i dont expect the graphics to be too different,..afaik the game will use the same engine as cod4 and cod:waw
vrd said:
yeah,..i dont expect the graphics to be too different,..afaik the game will use the same engine as cod4 and cod:waw

WAW had much better graphics compared to the cod4......

lets wait and see the "world premiere" of Modern Warfare 2 on May 24th........................
evilvicky said:
WAW had much better graphics compared to the cod4......

yes it did. because it used an enhanced version of the engine. but same engine none the less.
why 2 threads for the same game, btwn this game is no more called Call of Duty Modern Ware Fare 2, it is only Modern WareFare 2, infinityward has removed the call of duty tag from this game
Dont the graphics look like Virtua cop 2?

I mean seriously? Its So Damn Bright ! Colourfull :| Ughh. i hate the city part. The Snow part is Shiny !
ShaTTeR said:
Dont the graphics look like Virtua cop 2?
I mean seriously? Its So Damn Bright ! Colourfull :| Ughh. i hate the city part. The Snow part is Shiny !

No they don't. Drinking and watching trailers don't go together shatter. . you should know better by now :S
AWESOME Graphics And Gameplay sure the rating will be in Editors Choice as for gamespot is considered i cannot wait till the release It Is ROCKING....!!
amazing ambient lighting .... COOL:hap2: :ohyeah: :clap:
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