D derbyjozef Apprentice Feb 16, 2010 #1 How do you listen to phone messages I can't find out how to listen to my messages on my home phone when I'm at home?
How do you listen to phone messages I can't find out how to listen to my messages on my home phone when I'm at home?
thetoxicmind Forerunner Feb 16, 2010 #2 rather confusing, could you please elaborate? are you referring to an answering machine??
Konquerror Forerunner Feb 16, 2010 #3 Are you talking about voice mail messages? If yes then each operator has different numbers for voice mail. Dial that number and pin and you can hear all voice mail messages.
Are you talking about voice mail messages? If yes then each operator has different numbers for voice mail. Dial that number and pin and you can hear all voice mail messages.