Storage Solutions Can I use Seagate 3TB External Casing with 4TB Internal Drive?

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I already have a Seagate 3TB External USB3.0 Hard Drive (Out of warranty so I can open it :) ), that I connect to my laptop using USB (I dont have a desktop). Now I am looking to buy a 4TB drive but the price difference between 4TB Internal and 4TB External is Rs1000+ @ Nehru Place, so I am thinking of getting an internal and use it inside 3TB casing. Will it work?
I think it will but want to be sure before I make the purchase.
It should work. Which casing it is? 3.5" with power adapter or 2.5" usb powered? Either way, it should work. I am just asking for curiosity.
Yes, I think the 3TB one will work with the 4TB drives. Going from a 2TB or smaller enclosure to a larger size drive won't though. There was a technological adjustment going from 2TB on up, so older USB bridges won't support 3TB+ drives.
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