Can we Pursue Mr.Kalam for Presidentship?

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Hello Friends,

I know we here are not for Politics but we just can't keep silent when we all VERY WELL know who is capable for President Post.

Can we do something to mail President of India and request him to be Ready To Take Charge of Presidentship for 2nd Term, though I know he is not willing to be :( (He is victim of Bad Politics by Congress in UP & Afzalguru Case).

The one who Selected by Congress will Proved Herself as puppet as our Prime Minister - you all know who Hold The REMOTE.

I don't know whether it is right or wrong to Pursue Mr.Kalam though he is not willing but still we can try.

what you say?
I don't think many here would disagree, rocket-scientist = techie, and this being a tech site after all.

...but isn't the harder part to get the ruling party to select them rather than asking him, whether he is interested or not.

He must have given them such a grilling, being a straight techie (as opposed to worldwise politicain ie crooked), that one of the unspken rules must be *never* ever appoint a techie for this job again.
bah. whats the point of having able people on posts where they are pretty much useless.. let him get back to what he was doing b4 he was made president.. he'd enjoy that better :P
I think we should try our part and leave the rest. Im in for any way of making him know the people want him to stay. But im not sure what is the best way of conveying it to him.
dude our vote doesnt count......even if we want still it cant happen..since all idiots who are mla there votes count...

Also i guess its better kalam does some innovation rather than wasting time on not signing office of profit bill....since the idiots from some other means always pass the stuff....

In short He is being wasted as PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
magnet said:
dude our vote doesnt count......even if we want still it cant happen..since all idiots who are mla there votes count...

Also i guess its better kalam does some innovation rather than wasting time on not signing office of profit bill....since the idiots from some other means always pass the stuff....

In short He is being wasted as PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude this is why we are still sitting and doing nothing.

I dont care if it counts. I want to let him know what people want. Doesnt matter if he stays there or not.

He can do a good job either way. But if he steps down, the useless peeps will bringin a falthu robot and pass all vote bank based bills that their pseudo intellectuals have come up with.

Again I dont care if my voice is heard or not, but I want to do my part. Thats what I can do and will do. And I think and hope that many others will agree with my point of view. I dont mean that you wont agree either :)
i respect your view point ....hope u succeed ...i also do the same for my area complaining to local authorities online....but as always they fail...but still trying....

but dude my logic was where u dont have authority u cant do much except mass awareness.......
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