Storage Solutions Can we use WD my book essential hard disk as Internal Hard Disk...


I have completely open the my book essential chassis as I wanted to use 2 TB hard disk as Internal Hard drive..

But my pc is not detecting at all...

Can someone with this kind of experience shade some light on it?

It works perfectly OK as a external drive..

I think its cos the drives are "encrypted" to work in the case. You can download Mini tool partition wizard , reformat the drive and use it internally. But once the encryption from HDD is removed, you cannot use it again in the case,
Also anybody planning to get a external drive.. Do not get WD even if it's 2-3k cheaper than others...

Cox this sh!t is hardware encrypted... If the USB port or anything related to case goes kaput.. Then you're ****3d ..
Yes WD solders the usb directly to the hard disk and you can't use it with other external usb cases if the hard disk usb fails for some reason.
Yes WD solders the usb directly to the hard disk and you can't use it with other external usb cases if the hard disk usb fails for some reason.
No, usb/power circuit attach with some screw only...
No soldering directly...
You can remove the usb/power circuit from HDD...
Hi guys,

I hope I'll be able to confirm and shed some light here as a WD rep.
From a technical perspective, it is possible to re-use the HDD from My Book as an internal HDD, provided that you reformat it as @chetansha mentioned.
However, if the purpose of putting it into your PC as an internal HDD is to continue to access the data currently on the drive, it is not possible due to our hardware encryption.
Another thing to consider is that opening the My Book chassis would void any warranty you may have remaining.
Are you having issues using it as an external drive? If so, do let me know, or you can contact the WD tech line too.

@Ranjith-Sai that's actually not true for the My Book line of products. For our small My Passport Ultra lines, though, this would be the case to maintain the small size. I believe this is true for other brands that produces small size external HDD too.

Hope this information helps!
Moral of the story:
Dont mess with your external disk drives unless its out of warranty and or you are willing to sacrifice its warranty and risk it all further.
this unnecessary hardware encryption is the reason i went for seagate external even though it was a bit expensive.At least give user an option if he wants encryption or not,dont force it on him.if he chooses not to, then he should be able to use it as internal drive without formatting.By forcing encryption now there are 2 ways you can lose you data,first if hard drive dies itself and second if casing dies....As if we are already not worried enough about losing our precious data.
The idea of having hardware encryption is to make your data more secure and less susceptible to breaches. Having said that though, the ones in My Book and My Passport are enabled via the WD Security app that you install.
@Lincon_WD, I have an wd 4 TB my book usb 3 drive - WDBFJK0040HBK - i am using this just to copy file thru windows. I have not used any wd software. So how is my data secure if the whole drive with case gets stolen. Pretty stupid of wd i feel encrypting the HDD,
^yes data is not secure in that case.even if someone just steals your internal drive then also he can use other similar casing to read your data unless you have put up a password.that's why i said unnecessary.From my knowledge,if i am not wrong, you use their WD software or not,or put any password or not, data is always encrypted.
If i want my data encrypted then there are many other software solutions available.I wish they remove this feature(or at least give user an option) so that i can once again go back to WD drives.
The idea of having hardware encryption is to make your data more secure and less susceptible to breaches. Having said that though, the ones in My Book and My Passport are enabled via the WD Security app that you install.
Thats a shitty use case.
you should talk to your R&D and tell them that they are idiots.
first of all, encryption of data should be a "user's choice". you should not enforce it on everyone. I dont see a point why I should encrypt my porn collection. or should I??? :bag:
Encryption is a CPU intensive thing so... putting a processor on the HDD will only increase the power consumption of the HDD. And of course there are encrypted file systems for every OS so why would the consumer need encryption on the hdd?
and finally, introducing encryption in the data path will definitely increase the latency and also lower iops.
my two cents...:p