- Expected Price (Rs)
- 16000
- Shipping from
- Bangalore
- Item Condition
- 4 out of 5
- Payment Options
- Cash
- Bank Transfer
- Purchase Date
- Mar 1, 2012
- Shipping Charges
- Excluded - at actuals
- Have you provided two pics?
- Yes
- Remaining Warranty Period
- 0
- Invoice Available?
- No
- Reason for Sale
- Not using
- Product Name: Canon 1000D with 18-55mm stock lens
- Description: used rarely since several years now (~7 + years). I am including my 3 SD cards with it.the side rubber flaps that covers the ports is hardened and broken (it still covers the ports but is in two pieces now.
- Price: Rs 10000/-
- Product Name: Canon 75-300mm telephoto lens
- Description: Telephoto lens. There's a bit of dust inside the lens but doesnt seem to be visible in pics. This is NOT a USM lens.
- Price: 8000/-
PM me your offers.
update: I can now ship
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