Canon A720 IS or S5IS or S3IS ?

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Hey guys, need to get a camera in the next 3 days or so.. max budget around 20k... need video recording option too, so skipping the SLR cams..
What should i get? the above models or something else thats better.. Please help!
Thanks :)
s5 would be about 20-22k and the best choice if you want full manual controls

If you can find an s3 for about 15k, thats also a good deal

If you want a point&shoot, 710/720 is the best choice
point and shoot usually refers to camera's that are the preset config types meaning that you generally dont need (or allow you to) configure them manually for settings before shooting.

full manual offers you greater control and tuning over heavy automatic ones. Ideally always recommended if you shoot with some time at hand to configure your camera as per your tastes and surroundings before a shot or if you are a demanding professional/particular about your image quality.
sathyanaidu said:
thanks for the reply, Sify mall has the S5IS for 16,650..

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Is the photo quality of the S5IS way better than the A720? If its hard to differentiate, then i'll go with the A720 coz feature wise they're almost on par..

S5IS is definitely better among the ones mentioned but remember that at that price from Sify, you get only one year dealer warranty which to me is as good as nothing. Normally Canon cameras have two years Canon warranty.
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