Canon EOS 550D SLR Kit with 2yr Manufg. Warranty

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Sweet deal but i'm kinda a noob when it comes to photography
But i have been thinking of upgrading from a basic P&S camera to a DSLR and will probably grab this one :)
Awesome deal! It will be even more ridiculously amazing if you use a flat 10% coupon!
Saw 2 were left. Refreshed and now only 1 more left.
Man this was an awesome cousin wanted to buy one but his credit card maxed out.
he was super pissed and still is after checking out this baby in croma.
So close but yet so far.
Friend , you can post this in Nehru Place offciial site because many people come here to search for IT and Digital Cam price list and dealers list. then you might get a quick response..
I always wonder how they manage to offer such a price?

Sometimes ebay contact sellers and ask them to sell a certain product at a very low rate. The losses that the seller has are paid by ebay.
How do i know? Well i am friends with multiple ebay power sellers :)
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