Storage Solutions Can't copy from one SATA hdd to another

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I just bought two used Sata hdd's. I am unable to copy large files from one Sata hdd to another Sata hdd. A small file like a mp3 gets copied but when I try to copy (a large file) or (a folder containing mp3's) the progress bar is fixed somewhere at the one fourth distance and the pc shows > 100 mins remaining to copy. The whole PC gets slowed down.

And when I transfer data between any one sata hdd and an IDE hdd there is no problem.

My rig is in my siggy. Since my mobo supports only 2 sata drives, i had to remove my 160gb sata in order to connected the ones mentioned above.

I have 3 instances of XP installed (Home, Prof SP2 and TinyXP). I've tried boothing into all of em but I am facing the same prob. Can anyone please help.
Probbly the hard drive is dead? Post the contents of the system section of the event log. Event viewer is in control panel->administrative tools->event viewer.
In which port's have you put the Cables?
It may have something to do with that.

Check the BIOS and see if the SATA+PATA Controller is selected or whatever.
Have you checked in Device manager if both the HDDs are shown as running in Ultra DMA mode 5 and NOT PIO mode.
Chaos said:
Probbly the hard drive is dead? Post the contents of the system section of the event log. Event viewer is in control panel->administrative tools->event viewer.

First thing first, the two drives cannot be dead coz :
- I got em from Darky :hap2:
- My own sata hdd (which works just fine) is showing the same prob.

They all are working pretty fine by themselves. I am able to copy large files from my pata drive to any sata drive without any problem. The problem arises only when I try to copy large files from ONE sata drive to ANOTHER sata drive.

This is what my event log shows when such problem occurs. I am unable to comprehend the meaning or implication of this error message.

In which port's have you put the Cables?
Sata ports :ohyeah:

Check the BIOS and see if the SATA+PATA Controller is selected or whatever.
Sata controller is already enabled in BIOS. Is this what you are saying or am I missing something :S
Eazy said:
Have you checked in Device manager if both the HDDs are shown as running in Ultra DMA mode 5 and NOT PIO mode.

Both Sata drives are running in UDMA mode 6

Thanks Chaos, Aditya and Easy for your replies :)
Check the mode for the SATA controller... Looks like its set to RAID mode. Change it to IDE Emulation mode. The option should be present in the bios. Looks like a buggy RAID driver.
^^ What you've suggested {buggy RAID driver} definitely makes sense and moreover there is no option for IDE Emulation Mode in the BIOS :(
Hm... There is no option to change the mode from RAID to IDE in the bios? Thats strange cos it was there on my $hitty gigabyte k8s760m mobo which had the same chipset.
I flashed the bios today morning using the latest non-beta version available for my mobo on ASUS's website. After rebooting, I tried to copy some data for testing and found the problem to persist even now. So flashing didn't help.

Then I tried to check if the new bios has the IDE mode option but couldn't find it anywhere in the various sub-options.

So I got frusty and decided to try something bold. While in BIOS setup, I pressed ctrl+S to enter Raid setup util. I created a RAID 0 entry. On rebooting I found that XP is not showing my sata partitions. I again went to BIOS and removed the RAID 0 entry and rebooted. No sata partitions yet, but the Adm Tools -> Disk Mgt shows the sata drives as unallocated space.

This means I've lost all data on the two SATA drives.

Hai mera data !!! :(

Desperate plea for help : Is there any way I can have my partitions revived . . . . . pleaseeeee help !!!
I'm running Portable GetDataBack for NTFS ver 3.03 + and it is scanning the affected disks. Showing around 2 hours remaining. It has given me hope that my data is recoverable. Now I shd contact my hw vendor and ask for an empty hdd temporarily. Then I can copy all recovered data on the temp hdd and repartition my sata disks, then copy back the data. Then I can return the temp hdd. Geez, I was scared $hitless for a moment. Now I see some hope.
I had recovered all my data that same day. This prob still persists :(

Chaos said:
Try updating the bios. If it doesnt work, try setting the HT bus to 8bit/16bit instead of 16/16.

Updated the bios (almost lost my data due to my curiosity :P ) and also set the bus to 8x16 ...... guyz im frustrated :(
Imagine, in order to move a file from one sata drive to another, i have to first copy it to my pata drive and then move it to target sata drive :@

Another example : I cant play a game if it is installed on a sata drive and its iso image (mounted using Alcohol) lies on another sata drive :S

Thanks to Chaos and others for trying to help me out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Argus - Try changing the SATA cables you are using. Most of the problems that I have encountered using SATA arise just cause of the cables.
One of my ram modules was faulty. Had it replaced by my hw vendor and now things are fine. Such a lacklusture end to so many sleepless nights. Phew !

And whats more, I flashed my bios again, this time managing to muster enough courage to go for the beta one . . . . . and was pleasently surprised to find the "Sata to IDE mode" option in the bios.

Target neutralized :)
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