Cant forward port 80 on Beetel 220bx?


I've been trying to forward port 80 on the 220bx, and it shows that the modem web interface will now be accessible from port 8080, but no change is evident. Everytime i access my system from the web, it just shows the modem configuration page :mad: I really need port 80 access to run a proxy, through which i can access other pages from college (We cannot use other ports :( anything in the Example Web Page is blocked!

Is there any workaround, or am i stuck with it forever?
the port should already be forwarded correctly

The modem will however handle LAN requests on port 80 via its interface (so that you dont accidentaly lose access to the configuration page) even though it says it is configured on 8080 now

Port 80 requests from the WWW will reach the forwarded IP on the LAN as expected

Just try accessing your network from outside your LAN (ask a friend to access it from outside)