cant in install w7 64bit on my 160gb wd newly rma hdd :(

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On a Journey called Life :P
friend i am unable to install w7 64 bits on my 160gb blue wd hdd like it gives error saying that selected hdd is o disk and cant be formated some thing some thing ......:(

but i am able to install it on my second 500gb green hdd..

i was planning to give 160 gb full as a os drive :)

what should i do ???

for now i have installed it on 500gb and rigth now the installion is on....

is their something wrong with my 160 gb hdd ?
It would be easier if you can provide the exact error you get.

Neway, does your bios detect the drive? And now that u have windows on the 500 gig drive, does the 160GB show up after windows is installed??

Try using a 3rd party software like Acronis Disk Director to format the 160GB using an Acronis boot disk and see if it works.
I think, you haven't formatted your HDD after buying it... After poping the Windows 7 disc, you have the option to format during the installation menu... try that, works well..
i can see the 160 gb hdd in w7 installtion and also in windows after nstalltion , in bios health is good and when i tried formating in w7 setup it said windows cant format the selected drive error 0x08..... is what i remember. :(

and error was related to 0 disk .

is it somethinG related to RAID OPTION IN BIOS ?

and what is the use to RAID option in bios ?
nj_gamer said:
I think, you haven't formatted your HDD after buying it... After poping the Windows 7 disc, you have the option to format during the installation menu... try that, works well..


I think that Win 7 does by itself. When it shows screen where to install win.7

How many HDDs are attached to your computer?

Can you please post in plain good english, complete sentence that is? Will help us in helping you. I hope you get the point.

Well, just Google the complete error code and you'll find the solution. Otherwise it's hard to say what exactly is causing this. Try disabling AHCI and RAID - i.e. use this 160GB in "Native IDE" mode.
dude, try taking a screenshot with a camera and show it to us, we might be able to understand your prob better..
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