Career counseling for student in Class 12

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Any suggestions on career counseling online or offline (Bangalore) for a student in Class 12 studying science (PCM+Comp Sc)
The student is not keen to pursue engineering and keen to understand what options they have
Um, I don't mean to offend you but I don't think you'd exactly need a career counsellor. I'd recommend branching out to people online (Reddit) or just getting opinions of people from a particular domain. Sorry if this wasn't the answer you were looking for.
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Instead of advising the kid, it is important to know what he or she wants. Forcing engineering on any kid is a sin now and among the newest trends, Digital Marketing has quite a lot of scope. However, again, it is important to know the fields that these kids want to pursue or what they are good at.
If you are smart enough to use TE, you must have your own fields of interests..........................first you should try to explore your own interests which can be converted into careers !
Instead of advising the kid, it is important to know what he or she wants. Forcing engineering on any kid is a sin now and among the newest trends, Digital Marketing has quite a lot of scope. However, again, it is important to know the fields that these kids want to pursue or what they are good at.
You couldn't be any more right haha! I mean, yeah, finding out what's best for the kid and whether that leans towards his interest is absolutely vital.
Any suggestions on career counseling online or offline (Bangalore) for a student in Class 12 studying science (PCM+Comp Sc)
The student is not keen to pursue engineering and keen to understand what options they have
If the student is not keen on pursuing engineering then she/he is already thinking outside of the societal norms which is very good.
Science is not just engineering or medicine, students can very well pursue the natural sciences and go into research. Or they can go into Design, huge opportunities in UX/UI.
If they have even a shred of doubt regarding engineering then they should not pursue it because it does not get easier and future prospects are highly dependent on the college you get in.
Reddit is a great source for this, just ask them to explore.

Also it does not mean that a Science student have to pursue a fixed set of careers, they want to study Science, they can but still pursue fields like Law, Econ etc.
Let them explore and if you have any doubts about engineering and how difficult/easy it is at the best institutes, ping me. Will be happy to help.
What you suggested might be a good advice for some although I do think children after a point should be given counseling by specialized people. I have known people who are right now doing something else but realized that they always wanted to do something different, or wanted to make something different out of their careers in a completely different field. In my opinion, few people would be left with such regret if they were/are guided at the right time by the right people. After having talked about things, will the children be able to make a much more informed decision about which field they want to go into and what they want to make out of themselves in their future. I have always thought that schools in the country should have some sort of career counseling be made compulsory for the children before they need to decide which stream of studies they want to further get into
I 100% agree with what you said. Unfortunately or fortunately, most schools here kinda pressurise students to take science just because they’ve scored very high marks. There should, in fact, be two counselling sessions - 1 after 10th (before Boards) and 1 during 12th (maybe after Boards, if possible) Some schools (like the one I studied in) has counselling but it’s useless. If you’re a science student, they are being treated much better than commerce and humanities. And they shove down so many engineering courses down your throat. They don’t take like a proper specialised test or something, like some schools out West. This just goes to show how education in India (and proper education, not just finishing syllabus and vomitting the portion at the end) has so much potential to improve.
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