PC Peripherals Case fan setup for 431 Plus

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Hi Guys,

I have CM Elite 431 Plus Cabinet which have front LED 120 MM CM fan inbuilt. I bought following fans...

1) Silverstone 120 MM SST-AP121-35.36 CFM
2) DEEPCOOL UF120 - 66.3CFM
3) Coolermaster Silent Fan 120 SI2- 44.73CFM

Please let me know which fans should be setup as intakes and which ones as exhausts for an ideal airflow inside my case.
@partha60 use the Deepcool fan and the Silverstone fan as the exhausts and the Cooler Master fan as an intake from the transparent side-panel.

Both the exhaust fans will go on the top 2 fan slots. Try to get y-splitters and connect all fans onto the motherboard 3-pin fan points.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
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Thanks ......where can i get y-splitters??? if i wanna connect one fan onto the motherboard 3 pin point which fan should i use? transparent side panel has no screw hole , so i can not fix a fan on side panel...
Thanks ......where can i get y-splitters??? if i wanna connect one fan onto the motherboard 3 pin point which fan should i use? transparent side panel has no screw hole , so i can not fix a fan on side panel...

Y-splitter cables for fans should be available at the local computer guy / shop. Should cost ~50/- a piece OR if they are made as per personal order then might cost dependent on how long the wire is and how much the guy charges for them.

This is what they look like
, I got them free with my Noctua CPU cooler.

If you can get these then two fans will be attached to a single 3-pin point on the motherboard. I would suggest that you attach the DEEPCOOL fan to the 3-pin point for now.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!

P.S. -- I was unaware of the eLite 431 not having mounting points on the acrylic window.
so many fans = more noise and dust .
for positive air pressure - 1 ) Silverstone on top as intake
2) DEEPCOOL on rear as an exhaust
Coolermaster on bottom as an intake ,(for bottom -try to use an air filter).
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