PC Peripherals Case Logic Cd Wallet


From where can I buy CASE LOGIC CD Wallets, in Mumbai. I checked out Planet-M. A nylon case logic for 48 cds is costing Rs. 895/- Is it not exhorbitant?
Anyone knows the right price and place in Mumbai?

Its not exorbitant actually, CL accessories cost more than cheap brands arnd. If u dont wanna spend that much there are cheap wallets for arnd 200-300 or less.
Edit: You cud get CL cases @ Alpha or Oscar in irla at better prices i guess !
128 CD Case (not case-logic, but decent ones nevertheless ) should be available on lamington road for approx 125/-

What rocket science is involved in a CD case for it to cost 900/-?
The sleeves of Case Logic seems to be of superior quality. Otherwise many and most cheap sleeves damage the cds. This is all what I have read.
yep is you are one of those who carry cds with you then normal cheapo cd wallets scratch backside of the cds. for cds its ok for some time but i carry lots of DVDs and DVD RW. For me its critical that my expensive DVD-RW dosent get scratched.
CL is far superior.