CAT Result Out???

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don worry dude ....1more day n u will get it.......m also waiting but hope nahi hai 2 b true.....ALL D best 2 u guys ......
^^Double post double post .I am trying acess via proxy and trying ping still nogo .My cousin has given the CAT ,just got a call asking me to check her results.
No. The results are not out. :P

Unlike the IIT guys, i think the IIMs are pretty wise enough not to upload the results on a server before the release date, lest some wisea$$ (Spelt :I.M.S) hacker finds the link and leaks it.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
I just checked the PagalGuy site......there are people who are able to access the link and are publishing the results.....:P... may be a publicity GIG..:P
You can access the site using CAT - IIM 2008 - Home

# CAT-takers can also access their CAT-2008 scores by using SMS facility of mobile phones. For SMS, candidate can type ?CAT test registration number date of birth (ddmmyy)? or ?CAT test registration number application number? for example: ?CAT 5370082 030482? or ?CAT 5370082 123456? and SMS to ? 57333?.
The answer keys are out. I've already calculated my score. Most probably no IIM calls for me :( (remote possibilities with IIM-S and IIM-B).
Shit!! :|

Game over due to Quant..


VA - 95.22
LR - 97.37
QA - 44.22
OA - 94.18

Damn it sucksss... Should have worked on accuracy in Quant.. Only 4 Questions i.e 20 marks (Including Negatives) are separating 44% and 85%..

Had Realistic Chance from MDI and NITIE and its all finished now :(
Crappy QA - Damn the sick feeling just doesn't go.. I was so close... Out of my 7 mistakes.. 4 were outright stupid ones, If made to attempt those Qs for even 1000 times, i won't make a mistake..

btw site's working fine on my end..

Need to check any result ?
dipen01 said:
btw site's working fine on my end..

Need to check any result ?

strange....not accesible via ie or ff out here for me :(
page cannot be displayed on both....

edit : how are u accessing the same ?
edit : got through the page , kproxy!!!
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